Governor Statement From Governor Hogan Regarding Legislative Session


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Calls on Lawmakers to Immediately Pass Budget, Confirm State Police Superintendent, Approve Emergency COVID-19 Measures

—Governor Larry Hogan today issued the following statement:

“With Maryland in a state of emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the legislature’s sole focus should be those measures immediately necessary to protect the public health and safety of Marylanders.

“Members of the General Assembly must take these three actions no later than Tuesday, March 17:

1) Approve the FY21 budget to assure the government remains open and functioning.

2) Confirm Colonel Woodrow J. Jones as Superintendent of the Maryland State Police.

3) Pass the emergency legislation to address the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in our state.

“It is impossible at this time to know how long this public health emergency will continue, and it is critical for legislators to take these actions immediately in the event that this rapidly evolving situation requires them to immediately adjourn.”
