States Battling Another Round of Base Closings

For the first time in a decade, communities across the country are bracing for a major round of military base closings, and they are mounting aggressive lobbying campaigns to stave off cuts and other changes that some independent experts say could dwarf the previous four rounds combined.

Mr. Rumsfeld will submit his list of recommended base closings, consolidations and realignments to the commission by May 16. A final roster of cuts and other changes, prepared by the commission, is due Sept. 8. Previous base-closing commissions have endorsed 85 percent of the Pentagon's recommendations. President Bush and Congress must then accept or reject the list by Nov. 7.


Super Genius
RangerJohn said:
Can you say

Goodbye Solomons Island Navy Recreation Center

And hello to some new hotels? :coffee:
I wonder how you get in on buying some of that land...


Lovin' being Texican
Lenny said:
And we'll have to put up with Steny every other week claiming to be batting for Southern Maryland as he primps his ash for the cameras.

Steny's Red-Flaming Whore said:
States Battling Another... 03-20-2005 07:20 AM Best damn member of Congress this district will ever see. Get over it dumbass.

D'ya every notice these recipients of Steny's pandering never come out from under their rocks to post in public?