Steny too senile to remember the Bush years


Well-Known Member
Why do we blame our President.
Because he is at fault you dipstick.

Dear Steny.: You have been here in this country for the last year and a half.
You have watched the Border overrun, you have watched gas prices go up, and food go up, you know about Hunter Biden's lap top , you have watched President Bozo the clown try to make a speech , you have listened to Camel Toe cackle, You know about all the murders and crime in democrats cities,--One right here in Md.--a place called Baltimore? You watched as we pulled out of Afghanistan and left the Muslims there with 81 Billion dollars worth of American equipment. You watched us leave Americans there. You have your head up Pelosi's ass but even so, you have to know what is going on, unless you are totally stupid. Why do you have to ask why Americans blame our President.? If you were not so Got damned Partisan you wouldn't have to ask.

I hope beyond hope that you get washed ashore in the big red wave that is coming and we can get someone for our representative who represents the people in our District who work and not just the entitlement seekers. It's going to be hard to beat the reservation folks in PG and Northern Charles but perhaps it can be done. You are an old man, You have lived off the Government your entire life and it's made you a wealthy man, why don''t you get the hell out and let someone who cares about our state have a shot at it.