Step on their heads!


Last night the little children of my neighborhood and I mean hood, decided to bend all the street sign poles over into the road. It's about time parents take control of their little criminals. It wasn't small children either because I'm talking 1 1/2 steel poles. Crap like this just pizzez me off.:burning: :burning:


Vince, where do you live cause I just noticed a few signs like that near Great Mills Road


Originally posted by czygvtwkr
Vince, where do you live cause I just noticed a few signs like that near Great Mills Road
Drum Point in Calvert near the Ranch Club. And we're just like the Ranch Club. We pay for our own roads, etc. We're paying a special tax just to bring the roads up to county standards so we can turn them over to the county. Of course I won't see that in my lifetime. Been paying that tax for 10 years.
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Staff member
PREMO Member
I saw the mower tractor man do the same thing to the signs on my street one morning. He bent them up pretty good.


Originally posted by Sharon
I saw the mower tractor man do the same thing to the signs on my street one morning. He bent them up pretty good.
These were deliberately bent into the street and it took some work to bend these poles.


you should be thankful they arent messing with peoples boats we had that happen where we live they spray cusswords on 2 of them and repainting a boat isnt cheap.


Originally posted by jmo2276
you should be thankful they arent messing with peoples boats we had that happen where we live they spray cusswords on 2 of them and repainting a boat isnt cheap.
Yeah, as soon as they put that word "Marine" on it, you can expect the price to be double that of anything else.


yup true.. I dont get why kids thinkin they can vandalize something and never think they will ever get caught when they actually will get caught when someone hears them outside and peaks out there window and calls the cops. Where i live we have neighborhood watch but i never see any of the neighbors do it but we got plenty of stay at home people here that are soo nosey I don't think anything could happen without them confronting whomever during the day if they are outside nosing around.


Originally posted by jmo2276
yup true.. I dont get why kids thinkin they can vandalize something and never think they will ever get caught when they actually will get caught when someone hears them outside and peaks out there window and calls the cops. Where i live we have neighborhood watch but i never see any of the neighbors do it but we got plenty of stay at home people here that are soo nosey I don't think anything could happen without them confronting whomever during the day if they are outside nosing around.

no wonder you can't get laid.


Originally posted by Vince
These were deliberately bent into the street and it took some work to bend these poles.

We used to pull them up and turn them around. :biggrin: