Steroid fallout...

Larry Gude

Strung Out

As a result of Raffie Palmeiro changing his stance from 'never done steroids' under oath, in front of congress, to 'never knowingly done steroids' we have two major developments;

#1. Bill Clinton has petitioned Ken Starr to change his official testimony to "...never had sex, that I am aware of, with that woman..."

#2. Congresspersons have renewed the hue and cry that they, our best, brightest and most trustworthy, are the only hope for the children to survive the ravages of 2nd hand steriod use.

Now, the argument is that congress has extended special status to Major league baseball, ie, a legalized monopoly status, thus congress shares the responsibility of baseballs impact on society because of this exemption. Baseball promotes heros who are especially influential to kids and thus if Cal drinks milk and doesn't smoke kids will drink milk and not smoke and thus if Raffii juices his muscles, kids are gonna juice theirs. So, naturally, congress, because it is responsible for baseball AND baseball won't do enough about drinking mil...err, taking steroids, then they, congress MUST step in.

OK. I want to start right here; constant and random drug testing for all elected members of the federal government.

Anyone who is standing moral watch over Raffi would certainly accept and expect to be held to the same standard.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Okay, can someone explain to a tard that knows nothing about this stuff and, frankly, doesn't really care (that would be me :jet:) what's going on with this? I can understand MLB frowning on steroid use, but what does Congress have to do with anything?? Are steroids illegal, like heroin or cocaine? If not, what's the problem?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Dear Ms. I don't Care about the most important thing in the world,

As I clearly explained, Congress, because it exists, is interested in baseball and steroids because they are IN THE NEWS at the moment and thus, obviously, of national interest in terms of providing for the common defense, promoting the general welfare and the persuit of happiness and other clearly enumerated things that are left specifically up to the federal congress.

You see if, let's say you, as a hypocondriacal member of congress, can prevent the rampant epedemic of 12 year olds LIKE YOUR NEPHEW who are in iminent danger of swelling up into giant Barry Bonds look alikes who WILL NOT TALK TO THE MEDIA on a regular basis. You could stop this merely by raising consciousness through legislation.

Will you stand idle as this plauge spreads?

Will you not rise up, pen in hand, and with one simple swipe of 'THOU SHALT NOT because I said so' save, yes, save the children?

Where is your humanity?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
Are steroids illegal, like heroin or cocaine? If not, what's the problem?
Yes they are, anabolic steroids are a schedule III controlled substance. Heroin is a schedule I and cocaine is a schedule II.


You're all F'in Mad...
Major League Baseball is a government stamped and approved monopoly. That is why they have oversight over the sport.


Well-Known Member
Oz hit it on the head. Baseball is the ONLY major sport that has an anti-trust exemption which was granted by Congress, which allows them to act as a sanctioned monopoly. Thus, every time Congress feels that baseball misbehaves, they are forced to come and get their little wrists slapped. That is why Selig had to sit there and get his a$$ chewed in front of God and Country awhile back.