

Lem Putt

Mikulski has a press release out requesting that W ask Lebanon to turn over the terrorist who killed Stethem for prosecution here:

Mikulski release

I don't understand how this isn't double jeopardy? He was tried, convicted, and served his time. How could this be constitutional?

If we're going to suspend the constitution in this case, let's just do it right by sending a Seal team over to cap him. Saves the expense of a trial.
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Loyalty, Friendship, Love
His crime was against an American service man. The US never recognized Germany's right to try the guy. He was never tried by the US or in any court the US would recognize as having jurisdiction. What the heck did Germany have to do with it? It was a crime perpetrated on an American by a Lebonese in Libya, I think it was.

Double jeopardy is an US concept and doesn't apply in other countries. The US never tried him or accepted that Germany had the right to do so.

BTW, German law prohibits extridition in cases where the defendant may face the death penalty. Their trial of this guy was their idea of a compromise.
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