Stoked about Ehrlich!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bob Ehrlich was up here in Frederick today and I got to go see him! What a great guy! I hate to gush about a politician but he and his wife both were really something. I got to shake hands with both of them, spoke very briefly to Bob and actually chatted with Kendel Ehrlich for a minute. They look you in the eye, unlike some of these guys who look around while giving you a perfunctory handshake. The wife is a doll-baby - warm smile, air of friendliness about her. When she laughs, she puts out a hand and touches you on the shoulder or arm. Just a little contact but it made a big impression on me - tells me something about her.

It so happens that Bob Ehrlich's mother works with my ex-wife so I introduced myself to her and hung out with her during the speech - nice, nice woman!

Ehrlich comes across as very relaxed, very personable, good sense of humor and rather self-deprecating. He's familiar in that he doesn't act like a candidate for office - he talks to the crowd and you personally like he's your neighbor or something and you're sitting on the deck with a couple of beers. None of this raving and politickin', like some of the candidates do.

I think it makes a big difference when you meet a candidate in person as opposed to just seeing them on TV or reading about them. You get a better feel. They all say the same thing but it takes meeting them live to really get a feel for what kind of person they are.

I was going to vote for him anyway but now I can legitimately vote for HIM instead of just vote AGAINST KKT. The Ehrlichs are MARYLANDERS - you'd recognize them in a minute.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
It so happens that Bob Ehrlich's mother works with my ex-wife so I introduced myself to her and hung out with her during the speech - nice, nice woman!

Care to explain this a little better or is this Larry speaking?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Ken, she's actually Larry's ex-wife. I just call her my ex-wife. Larry, um, calls her something else.


Well lil' buddy... I'm glad you washed your hands, we wouldn't want you infected with good ideas or anything.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Smc, I'm surprised you'd say that. Care to elaborate? Or is it just because he's a nasty, flesh-eating Republican? Because if you're paying attention (which I suspect you're not) you'd know that Ehrlich is quite moderate - not a right-winger by any stretch.

Also, since we're on the subject, you have this ugly habit of not answering when someone questions you about your comments. You tend to just throw out party-line rhetoric with no real facts to back them up. Did they teach you that at Democrat school?


yeah yeah
MAN! I would have loved to met Ehrlich!! That would have been great! But you are right about him not flowing with the natural republican flow. I dont agree with everything he is campagining...but anything is better than KKT! UGH! That woman needs a serrious ego smasher and face lift.

But, not everyone can agree with what everyone says...ever think Dem..that you may benefit from someone elses touch that has something positive going for them?? :wink:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
... Also, since we're on the subject, you have this ugly habit of not answering when someone questions you about your comments. You tend to just throw out party-line rhetoric with no real facts to back them up. Did they teach you that at Democrat school?
I hear SMC has a second career as a telemarketer when he's not towing the party line!

You know if you break their concentration with an irritating question they have to start over.:rolleyes:


You're all F'in Mad...
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Ken, she's actually Larry's ex-wife. I just call her my ex-wife. Larry, um, calls her something else.

Worked for me, before you explained it... :biggrin:


Originally posted by smcdem
Sadly I met Ehrlich too, had to wash the poison off my hands...

I hope Ehrlich washed his hands thoroughly also, I wouldn't want him to be infected with any kind of mind destroying Demi DNA. :duh:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Board mommy, in her Stargazing, celeb hunting euphoria, missed the best part of going to the rally yesterday, our kids. We made them come along, against their will.

Happily, they enjoyed it, actaully saw some friends and were excited by it. They both remarked a strong liking for Bobby E. and Mrs., a "good" feeling as they described it.

What would have been interesting was to have taken them (and Board mommy) to a KKT rally for a first hand comparison.

Anyway I'm glad we exposed them to politics outside of the idiot box and you all can rest assured that your Board Mommy did her best for you, the readers, to get you this first hand reporting.


New Member
Well, I would like to give you my impression of the candidates, both of which I have met over the years. I last was able to meet Mr. Ehrlich in 2001 at a insurance institute conference in Baltimore. First he delivered a speech that well sounded good to me and my pocketbook (I am an insurance agent). He discussed his proposals to help the insurance companies fight against lawsuits and tax breaks for corporations. But his plan would hurt the people that I fight for when I represent them before the big New York executives. So his ideas of course ticked me off but when I met him along with my wife I saw a side of Mr. Ehrlich that one could never see on television. He was amiable with me but he was ultimately fake, he never looked me in the eyes and his words were clearly just the recitation of political catchphrases. Throughout the conversation that we had, he did not even acknowlege that my wife was present and listening. Then when I introduced him to her, he shook her hand and said lowly "ma'me." And that was it.
Meanwhile, I met Kathleen Kennedy Townsend first when she ran for Congress in the 1980s and most recently did at the rally she had in Leonardtown. (Has Mr. Ehrlich come here lately? No.) Despite what you anti-Kennedys think, she is genuinely caring about people and she is not arrogant. Bobby may have grown up in a rowhouse, but when he left, he never looked back. Mrs. Townsend had a conversation with me for ten minutes about her views on local issues and we joked about "going for the White House in 2004." It was like I was talking to an old friend, which I think she is.
And just to respond to one post that called Mr. Ehrlich a moderate, I say look at his congressional record. Votes against the minimum wage increase, patient bill of rights, assault gun ban, and supported Newt Gringrich for Speaker of the House. How is he a moderate?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Dems, I thought you were a female - sorry about that!

I had a very different feeling meeting Ehrlich - I found him to be very comfortable and genuinely friendly and sincere. Now let's look at your issues:

Minimum wage increase - I appreciate it, as a business owner. All minimum wage increases do is encourage people to stay at the lowest common denominator. Then you have to raise other employee wages to compensate them fairly. Now your payign so much in wages that your bottom line is affected. So you have to start laying people off because you can't afford them anymore.

Patient bill of rights - That whole thing was a joke and you know it. You said you were an insurance agent so you know it's true.

Assault gun ban - What's the point of banning assault weapons? Criminals will still have them. The only ones stripped of their rights will be law-abiding citizens who aren't the problem in the first place.

Supported Newt Gringrich - So what? Newt's Contract With America was a truly inspired piece of work. The only people who didn't like it were blind partisans and Socialists.

You need to do some research and quit getting your "facts" from KKT commercials.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Hallucinations & delusions maybe but...

Originally posted by vraiblonde
quit getting your "facts" from KKT commercials.
There are no facts in her commercials. :roflmao:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Dems, while we're on the subject of Gingrich, here's the text of the Contract With America:

Now tell me which one of those propositions you disagree with and why. What exactly makes Newt Gingrich such a bad guy? And, PS, if you say "because he cheated on his wife", I'm going to nail you to the wall with Bill Clinton so don't even go there.


Re: Hallucinations & delusions maybe but...

Originally posted by Sharon
There are no facts in her commercials. :roflmao:

I have to disagree with this statement. There are facts in KKT's commercials. Ehrlich did vote against all of those bills that are referenced. Where the problem comes in is that KKT and the Dems never tell you the other BS that was in the bills that cause people to vote against them. It's easy to say that someone voted against "clean air" when they voted down a bill that had some outrageous restrictions or requirements that no one outside of Ralph Nader could support.

Here's what I think is the biggest lie of the campaign... that Democrats are for the working men and women of this country. I just wish someone would make comparison maps showing the highest concentrations of Dems and Republicans, and also showing the highest rates of illegitimate births, welfare payments, medicare/medicaid payments, social security payments, and other social spending, and compare those to maps showing the highest rates of payroll taxes, residential taxes, social security taxes, and other sources of government income. I know that the Democrats map would show that they are the party of the takers from society, while the Republican map would show that they are the party of the providers. And since welfare, social security, and other social money receivers usually aren't working, it's a lie to say that the Dems are the party of working people. The Republicans hold that title.


New Member
Originally posted by smcdem
Sadly I met Ehrlich too, had to wash the poison off my hands...didn't want to melt

Can we all give SMCDM the royal :barf:

You are so fricking brainwashed. The BEST person won. Deal with it.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Re: Re: Hallucinations & delusions maybe but...

Originally posted by Bruzilla

There are facts in KKT's commercials. Ehrlich did vote against all of those bills that are referenced. Where the problem comes in is that KKT and the Dems never tell you the other BS that was in the bills that cause people to vote against them.
You win when you phrase it that way. It's the :bs: in the way they were portrayed to make him look bad.