"stop Dean"


Nothing to see here
The antiwar, Bush-loathing, culturally liberal left now has the upper hand. Its dominance will likely culminate in Dean's nomination.

and also culminate in a landslide victory for W.


Originally posted by otter
The antiwar, Bush-loathing, culturally liberal left now has the upper hand. Its dominance will likely culminate in Dean's nomination.

and also culminate in a landslide victory for W.

It may be too early to predict, but I see a "Landside Victory" for George W. Hopefully so, anyways!! :smile:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The difference...

...between W and his father are myriad.

HW ran three campaigns for President, losing to Reagan, winning of the Duke and losing to Clinton.

Only three things from him come to the popular mind over three campaigns:

Voodoo economics (tax cuts) lost to Reagan
No new taxes (beat the Duke)
Looking at his watch during the Richmond debate (lost to Bill)

HW came off as distant, aloof and rather dis-interested most of the time on TV.

W on the other hand has a pile of public perception stuff: His rousing speech at the Rupub convention before beating Gore, the debates with Gore (compassionate conservatisim) how he conducted himself during the recount in Florida, tax cuts, verbal flubs galore, images from the ranch (pick up trucks and splitting wood) ground zero with the megaphone, landing on the carrier, 'bring 'em on' etc, etc.

There is an energy constantly eminating from W's Whitehouse. Ideas of going back to space, determination to go alone if necessary in Iraq, MORE tax cuts, fixing Medicaire, obvious affection for the armed forces...on and on.

W comes off as imperfect but genuine and vigorous, that he takes a joy in working hard for what's best for the country. His dad had none of that to go with Gulf War approval.

Notice how the big selling ticket on the left right now is all about hating W. That won't play well against someone people just like.

Clinton offered similar enthusiam and appeal.

Not a single current Democrat offers that charm save perhaps Carol.


Not dead yet.
All good points. Your comparison to the Clinton charisma echos with something I heard Hannity say last week. To paraphrase, "There's just something about this guy. If you loved Clinton, you hate Bush and vice versa."

It's interesting the way that people's gut reactions develop about politics.


Originally posted by tlatchaw
Here's hoping, but hey, his dad was in great shape too at this point in 1991. Time will tell.

Two words... Ross Perot. If Perot hadn't split the vote in 92, Clinton would have never seen the inside of the White House except on a tour.


New Member
Re: The difference...

Originally posted by Larry Gude
...between W and his father are myriad.

HW ran three campaigns for President, losing to Reagan, winning of the Duke and losing to Clinton.

Only three things from him come to the popular mind over three campaigns:

Voodoo economics (tax cuts) lost to Reagan
No new taxes (beat the Duke)
Looking at his watch during the Richmond debate (lost to Bill)

HW came off as distant, aloof and rather dis-interested most of the time on TV.

W on the other hand has a pile of public perception stuff: His rousing speech at the Rupub convention before beating Gore, the debates with Gore (compassionate conservatisim) how he conducted himself during the recount in Florida, tax cuts, verbal flubs galore, images from the ranch (pick up trucks and splitting wood) ground zero with the megaphone, landing on the carrier, 'bring 'em on' etc, etc.

There is an energy constantly eminating from W's Whitehouse. Ideas of going back to space, determination to go alone if necessary in Iraq, MORE tax cuts, fixing Medicaire, obvious affection for the armed forces...on and on.

W comes off as imperfect but genuine and vigorous, that he takes a joy in working hard for what's best for the country. His dad had none of that to go with Gulf War approval.

Notice how the big selling ticket on the left right now is all about hating W. That won't play well against someone people just like.

Clinton offered similar enthusiam and appeal.

Not a single current Democrat offers that charm save perhaps Carol.

W definitley is a passionate man who I see as a great leader b/c of his willingness to attack the problems in our government.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Bruzilla
Two words... Ross Perot. If Perot hadn't split the vote in 92, Clinton would have never seen the inside of the White House except on a tour.

Completely agree. Ross didn't have a lot of appeal to Democrats and I can't see how many of his votes might have gone to Clinton.


"Fill your hands you SOB!
The following post has no substance of any kind - just a visual observation.....

Ever see when Dean smiles??? Looks like someone is giving him a rectal exam at the same time...:roflmao:

Is that really someone you want in the White House???


Ok... I was really hoping that Dean would win the nomination so I wouldn't have to sweat the general election... but the guy has got to go. What an a$$! He was quoted over the weekend as saying that not only would he no longer support another candidate if they won the nomination, but that his "followers" would just as soon sit at home that vote for some other Democrat besides himself. I hope some other Dem hands him his balls for lunch.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...this is one of the great thing about free speech; you get to hear what people think and sometimes, how they think.

Howard Dean has some 15% (running 30% in the Dem side which is about 1/2 the people who actually vote) support or 15 million people right now. These people like him, love him, adore him and actively support him.

This is a simplification but it serves the purpose.

A few months ago, I admired a few things about Dean. The more free speech he engages in, the more I am starting to think there is something seriously wrong with him. His supporters don't feel this way. Which they are free to do. Which is interesting in and of itself.

Let Howard be!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Voter2002
Ever see when Dean smiles??? Looks like someone is giving him a rectal exam at the same time...
I call him Fart Boy because he always looks like he's trying to suppress one. :lol:


C'mon Larry... I would guess about 60% of Dean's "support" comes from blitzing by the media and followers who are "followers." They'll support anyone that it's popular to support. Once the votes start coming in, and Dean is getting whacked, those people will start saying how candidate B has their love and support. This belief that he has that "his followers" won't support another candidate is so arrogant it's unbelieveable, topped only by his telling McAuliffe that "someone's got to win this thing, so you need to get the others off my back"... yeah... right.

Sorry, but Dean's an a$$.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...the only thing I'd argue is that his support is real, they fork over bucks and hit the streets. They have found a messiah and who knows what really appeals to them because they must know more about him that the general public. What the public knows of him is at times both silly and frightening.

Vermont is a different kind of place; Ben and Jerrys and the only state in the Union that reads the 2nd amendement accurately.

I can see the 'bots supporting the eventual non-Dean nominee rather apathetically. They are clearly as arrogant as their man.

If I read you correctly, we agree; Dean is finished. It's just a matter of how ugly it gets.

In the appropriate words of the Joker: "Commence au festival!!!"

(my 'let howard be' point is all about giving enough rope!)


Nothing to see here
Re: Bruz...

Originally posted by Larry Gude
...Let Howard be!



"Vermont is a different kind of place... the only state in the Union that reads the 2nd amendement accurately." I think I would give that nod to South Carolina and Florida looooong before I would give it to Vermont.