Stop & Frisk policing leads to diabetes, HBP & obesity


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
I'm sure that the poor diets of those impacted by these police tactics has nothing to do with the resulting negative health issues. I'm filing this under the People Make Stuff Up column.

Previous research suggests police surveillance practices confer health risks to community members. This study examines whether the public health burden of excessive or ethnoracially inequitable police use of force are amplified by ethnoracial composition. Multilevel models are used to assess data from New York City Community Health Survey merged at the United Hospital Fund level with data from the New York City Stop, Question, and Frisk Database. The illness associations of ethnoracial composition are amplified by the areal density of police use of force but buffered by the disproportionate police use of force against minorities. Specifically, living in minority communities with a high concentration of use of force by police against pedestrians is associated with an increased risk of diabetes and obesity. However, living in areas with a heavy presence of whites where there are large racial differences in police use of force is associated with an increased risk of poor/fair self-rated health, high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity.

weird science


Well-Known Member
Yes, oh, yes indeed....


An emergency call comes over the military style, facist police radio for a shooting at the local 7-11. The suspect look out is for a non-birthing human, about 5'10, 175 pounds wearing an old REDSKINS hoodie and checkered slacks. As a military style Nazi police officer, with a pension, is about a block away, he observes a human, matching the description, running away, sweating profusely gasping for air. His hands trembling as he stuffs them into his hoodie pocket.

Now, I'm sure, one forum contributor would reasonably conclude that the military style facist law man SHOULD, offer to call 9-1-1 and request an ambulance for the diabetic overweight man oppressed by our society with no regard for his own personal safety. Outside those parameters he should lose his pension. BTW, the victim was probably non POC with too much money!!!!


Well-Known Member
Yes, oh, yes indeed....


An emergency call comes over the military style, facist police radio for a shooting at the local 7-11. The suspect look out is for a non-birthing human, about 5'10, 175 pounds wearing an old REDSKINS hoodie and checkered slacks. As a military style Nazi police officer, with a pension, is about a block away, he observes a human, matching the description, running away, sweating profusely gasping for air. His hands trembling as he stuffs them into his hoodie pocket.

Now, I'm sure, one forum contributor would reasonably conclude that the military style facist law man SHOULD, offer to call 9-1-1 and request an ambulance for the diabetic overweight man oppressed by our society with no regard for his own personal safety. Outside those parameters he should lose his pension. BTW, the victim was probably non POC with too much money!!!!

Well, genius, what you describe sounds an awful lot like probable cause to effect a Terry Stop.

Stop & Frisk doesn't require probable cause and as such is an arrest of the freedom of movement we have in this nation.

This stuff isn't hard.


Well-Known Member
Zero surprise to me that you're anti-freedom.

I'll buy you a one-way ticket to the chithole nation of your choice if you promise to GTFO.
Zero surprise to me that you think all this BS gun control doesn’t trample on constitutional rights of lawful gun owners. You have no problem trampling constitutional rights as long as it’s one’s you don’t agree with.


Well-Known Member
Zero surprise to me that you think all this BS gun control doesn’t trample on constitutional rights of lawful gun owners. You have no problem trampling constitutional rights as long as it’s one’s you don’t agree with.

Show me where I’ve suggested anything of the sort.


Well-Known Member
There is a 0% chance you’ve ever been to New York City, so quit pretending you care about gun crime there.
You’re right, I don’t care about NYC or Chicago or any city that’s rampant with crime. Let them kill each other. Justice system will just throw them back out in the street where they offend again. Let them reap some street justice.