...I went all the way up to Bowie last night to see this flick. I read all the reviews on it, and alot of people reviewed it badly, especially service members. I can see why they would because yes, it does somewhat portray the wrong vision for the person watching it. But all together I thought it was a decent movie, one, that I will be buying when it comes out on DVD. The plot was good, and showed what alot of these guys coming back from Iraq and other places go through after a tour of service. The flashbacks, and imaging things. It really does portray Post Traumatic Stress. As far as the stop-loss claus, I'm not to knowlegable(sp) about that. I'm book worm and history buff, and had actually not known or heard of it until this movie. It's an unfortunate thing that these guys think they are done doing they're service and thrown back into the fighting. But....they knew what they were signing up for when they joined.