Stork Sign Rentals - Baby Announcement


Active Member
I'm not so sure that I'd want to advertise the fact that I have a new Baby at home, with all of the baby-snatching Wackos out there. Maybe I am just weird!


New Member
I'm not so sure that I'd want to advertise the fact that I have a new Baby at home, with all of the baby-snatching Wackos out there. Maybe I am just weird!

I don't think you're weird, just cautious! I don't blame you. But it's just as easy to look for car seats in cars, swing sets in yards, or even seeing parents come and go with a baby in their arms. It's more likely that a baby would be snatched by watching a parent put a baby in the car and follow them home then go searching for storks in people's yards. I think it's just common sense to be careful in all you do! We can't let freaks run our lives!


New Member
I had a stork in my yard for both of my kids and no one broke in my house to.steal my baby. I actually got a couple of gifts from people in the neighborhood. I used to live in a really nice neighborhood. When I was pregnant I would walk around the block with my big belly and people would come out and chit chat with me.