Strep? Bronchitis? Guesses?


Well-Known Member
Anybody else feel like they have a head stuffed with cotton; and a cough that feels like razor blades? At first I thought it was just severe allergies; now; having been to the Doc; I'm not so sure. He gave me Amoxicillin, or some kinda antibiotic like that; but after a week; I'm still feeling like "dog meat."

I took off work most of the week last week; but managed to drag myself outta bed and into the office for two hours; only to say "H*ll with it; just to turn around and go home and crawl back into bed. So, it's more hot chicken soup and Hall's cough drops for me, I guess.


no longer CalvertNewbie
Anybody else feel like they have a head stuffed with cotton; and a cough that feels like razor blades? At first I thought it was just severe allergies; now; having been to the Doc; I'm not so sure. He gave me Amoxicillin, or some kinda antibiotic like that; but after a week; I'm still feeling like "dog meat."

I took off work most of the week last week; but managed to drag myself outta bed and into the office for two hours; only to say "H*ll with it; just to turn around and go home and crawl back into bed. So, it's more hot chicken soup and Hall's cough drops for me, I guess.

Hubby just got over bronchitis after a round of antibiotics. I'm still congested, had a cough and bit of a sore throat which I also thought was allergies but I'm not so sure. I've been medicating with otc drugs because I don't feel like waiting forever at the doctor's office with my 2 year old - there's always at least a 30 minute wait.

Hope you feel better. This year has been brutal for my family, sick-wise.


New Member
This is bcman's wife here. I've been sick as hell for the past week,and in a lot of pain. So I am right there with you,OP. My kids were sick with a lot of coughing up crap, itchy red eyes, and so forth. Minimal sore throat. Then I got it, and on Tuesday I went to the dr. and said my throat hurt,along with my ears. I got the once over and then they said it was viral, and that was it. Later that night my pain went through the roof, the pain in my ear was so bad I felt like I was going to lose it. Was going into my head and neck. Called and just said I already gave myself some antibiotics, can I have more. Been on the amoxicillin for 6 days now, the ear stuff is ok, nowhere near what it was and really only when I swallow, but the throat pain is out of this world bad. I've never had it so bad in my life.
But here is the strange part and it almost makes me want to go back to the dr., because it is really a mystery to me. I don't have a fever. At all. My lymph node on the right side where this began is huge and painful, the left is heading that way, and my whole neck on the front is very painful to touch. And my throat is horrible, but it isn't just the throat, my tongue hurts. It feels very sore on the sides in the back if that makes sense. I would think if I have a virus, then my body would be trying to fight it, as in having a fever. But instead, I have massive lymph nodes and no fever at all. This makes me worry that I am not getting better because maybe my body is overwhelmed/not fighting for some reason. I dunno, I know nothing about this subject , just sitting here miserable and hopped up on Sucrets - been on Tylenol like crazy for a week, and trying to back off of it. I feel your pain Deekaypee!!!


one day the dark will end
Anybody else feel like they have a head stuffed with cotton; and a cough that feels like razor blades? At first I thought it was just severe allergies; now; having been to the Doc; I'm not so sure. He gave me Amoxicillin, or some kinda antibiotic like that; but after a week; I'm still feeling like "dog meat."

I took off work most of the week last week; but managed to drag myself outta bed and into the office for two hours; only to say "H*ll with it; just to turn around and go home and crawl back into bed. So, it's more hot chicken soup and Hall's cough drops for me, I guess.

...None of the above...
This time of year, it is the common cold or a cluster of symptoms resulting from being infected with one of more than 200 different types of the rhinovirus.
Working in dry, low humidity can increase your chances of coming into contact wit this virus, and depending on your bodies immune system, will determine how good or bad you feel.

Basically, a cold sucks the life outta you..and in 7-10 days you are all better!
Stay home, drink a lot of fluids and sleep...let you body do the healing work it needs to!
Feel better!!!:buddies:

......Just getting over a crappy "common cold" with a red nose and 6 empt boxes of kleenex.....


Having Fun!
Anybody else feel like they have a head stuffed with cotton; and a cough that feels like razor blades? At first I thought it was just severe allergies; now; having been to the Doc; I'm not so sure. He gave me Amoxicillin, or some kinda antibiotic like that; but after a week; I'm still feeling like "dog meat."

I took off work most of the week last week; but managed to drag myself outta bed and into the office for two hours; only to say "H*ll with it; just to turn around and go home and crawl back into bed. So, it's more hot chicken soup and Hall's cough drops for me, I guess.

You are not alone. Started with a scratchy sore throat two Fridays ago -- by that Sunday night, temp was 101.3. Went to doctor because everyone at school was coming down with strep. Got amoxicillin (maybe someone can explain why they give huge horse pills to people with sore throats?). Took Mon - Wed off, went in Thursday = mistake. Home Friday & Saturday, felt totally wiped out, no energy at all. Sunday (yesterday) was the first day I felt close to normal. Whatever it is, it's nasty stuff!!

(that reminds me -- gotta go take another horse pill --- two more days left to go...)

Take care of yourself: rest, drink fluids, & sleep!


Well-Known Member
I Am Not Alone

You are not alone. Started with a scratchy sore throat two Fridays ago -- by that Sunday night, temp was 101.3. Went to doctor because everyone at school was coming down with strep. Got amoxicillin (maybe someone can explain why they give huge horse pills to people with sore throats?). Took Mon - Wed off, went in Thursday = mistake. Home Friday & Saturday, felt totally wiped out, no energy at all. Sunday (yesterday) was the first day I felt close to normal. Whatever it is, it's nasty stuff!!

(that reminds me -- gotta go take another horse pill --- two more days left to go...)

Take care of yourself: rest, drink fluids, & sleep!

I took all my meds; whatever they were. Today, I'm feeling 175% better NOW.
Throat's still a little sore; but I'm outta razor blades THANK GOD!

Dad asked me whether or not I have had my tonsils out; I said, 'no,' but I'm seriously considering it now. Maybe strep occurrences will diminish?