

New Member
So I have a big move to Washington coming up in about a month or two, and I'm super excited. I got a job being an assistant therapeutic/english instructor for the summer ! Now for the delema ( spelling? ) . . . Rebel.

My parents don't want me taking him all the way to Washinton yet because as of right now, i'm only staying for the summer, and that's a really long haul for just a summer.

so here are my options.

Option 1: Keep him at Kamp Akomplish - The only thing about that, is that he has so much potential, that won't be getting used and i'm afraid he'll get stressed out there, because he's already becoming more grumpy.

Option 2: Bring him back to Verita's and just have him sit in a field until i get back, once again, he'll get ruined.

Option 3: Sell him or Lease him out :cds:- Anyone who knows me and rebel, can tell that he is my world, and i would die without him, but i have to do what is best for him, and i'm so stuck that a new home would probably be great for him and great oportunity, but with the economy right now, that's probably going to be pretty hard to do also.

anyone have any ideas? i'm stuck :(


New Member
You do have quite a delima (spelling)!

If it were me, the first thing I would do is talk to Doria or the other instructor at KA, I dont know the other instructors name. Tell them what is on your mind. Be very very honest. You want to take him with you, but you dont know that taking him with you is feasible for just 1 summer. Tell them you are worried that if you leave him behind that he wont be used and therefore, sit in a field and become a brat. Ask about thier options. What are their plans for him? How often would he be used? Would it be possible to have one of them ride him a few times a week if they arent going to use him everyday, so he stays in shape and doesnt become a brat.

I think sitting at the farm, Veritas, will make him become a brat. He needs a job, thats just the horse he is. You could, however, ask Amy if she would like to use him as a lesson horse??? That might be an option.

Third Option: Lease Him Out. You cant sell him, you love him to much. But at least with a lease situation you have a little bit of control. You can specify where he is kept, if you want to, you can specify who rides him and who doesnt, and you know he will be taken care of. You can be very picky about who you lease to. Look for a lease application, so you can have potential leasees fill that out and you can call references and look over all the information.

If KA isnt going to really use him...I think leasing is your only option, out of the three you listed. You can do a six month lease or a 1 year lease. Its all up to you. But think about this too...if you lease him out to a 4Her who will take him and show him over the summer, think about how happy you will make both that 4her and Rebel!!!

All in all its your decision, and you know what is best for Rebel and for yourself. Take a little time and think about it. You will do what is best for both of you!

Good Luck and Keep Us Posted!

Erin, Boomer and Tucker


Rocky Mountain High!!
I've free leased something out. It's not the best option for the horse IMO. The person leasing has no "real" obligation to the horse, so chances are good that when he gets sick or injured, (and he will) he'll come right back, not in the same shape as when he went, (Or worse he won't come back).

IF you lease, it needs to be with a firm contract that stipulates what the leasor is responsible for, what the consequences are for breaching it, and be prepared to follow up should you need too.

What is the issue with taking him with? Money for board while you're there? Travel expenses? Stress on the horse? You can break the travel up into chunks, and get him off to stretch and drink. mine travel well, so it would be a no brainer for me. I'd bite the bullet and trailer my horse out with me, or pay someone to take him for you if you don't have a trailer available. You never know, you might end up staying out there longer or even permanently (I don't know how old you are). One just can't predict the future.


New Member
Do you have an idea of how much free time you'll have w/ your job? I'd consider that before deciding to trailer your pony across country. You could be so busy you wouldn't have much time for him.


New Member
You do have quite a delima (spelling)!

If it were me, the first thing I would do is talk to Doria or the other instructor at KA, I dont know the other instructors name. Tell them what is on your mind. Be very very honest. You want to take him with you, but you dont know that taking him with you is feasible for just 1 summer. Tell them you are worried that if you leave him behind that he wont be used and therefore, sit in a field and become a brat. Ask about thier options. What are their plans for him? How often would he be used? Would it be possible to have one of them ride him a few times a week if they arent going to use him everyday, so he stays in shape and doesnt become a brat.

I think sitting at the farm, Veritas, will make him become a brat. He needs a job, thats just the horse he is. You could, however, ask Amy if she would like to use him as a lesson horse??? That might be an option.

Third Option: Lease Him Out. You cant sell him, you love him to much. But at least with a lease situation you have a little bit of control. You can specify where he is kept, if you want to, you can specify who rides him and who doesnt, and you know he will be taken care of. You can be very picky about who you lease to. Look for a lease application, so you can have potential leasees fill that out and you can call references and look over all the information.

If KA isnt going to really use him...I think leasing is your only option, out of the three you listed. You can do a six month lease or a 1 year lease. Its all up to you. But think about this too...if you lease him out to a 4Her who will take him and show him over the summer, think about how happy you will make both that 4her and Rebel!!!

All in all its your decision, and you know what is best for Rebel and for yourself. Take a little time and think about it. You will do what is best for both of you!

Good Luck and Keep Us Posted!

Erin, Boomer and Tucker

do you know this horse personally?


Hunter/Eq. Trainer :-)
If you do lease Rebel out, free lease or not, I'd have the person leasing him pay for him to be insured. Loss of use, medical, and mortality (heaven forbid). Plus a very specific lease agreement. I know you can't put a price tag on him, but you need something to cover your investment.

Good luck with you decision. Sounds like you have an exciting summer to look forward to.:yahoo:


New Member
do you know this horse personally?

Yes Maam I do. I have met him a few times and talked with Steph about him as well. He is def one of those horses that needs a job.

I know there are horses that are completely content to sit in a field, I have two of them! :) But Rebel def needs a job, IMO.



New Member
Do you have an idea of how much free time you'll have w/ your job? I'd consider that before deciding to trailer your pony across country. You could be so busy you wouldn't have much time for him.

I'll be working sunday-friday from 8AM - 7PM.
So not too much free time, and thats another reason I don't really want to bring him that far, and put that stress on him. I think he'd be really upset with me if I did that, and it's not fair to him.


New Member
If you do lease Rebel out, free lease or not, I'd have the person leasing him pay for him to be insured. Loss of use, medical, and mortality (heaven forbid). Plus a very specific lease agreement. I know you can't put a price tag on him, but you need something to cover your investment.

Good luck with you decision. Sounds like you have an exciting summer to look forward to.:yahoo:

Thank you so much. That's a really smart idea.


New Member
Steph, If quest can handle all of the moving she did as old as she is, i think rebel could handle it too. you just have to take it slow and plan ahead. remember, i know how hard it was to leave questy behind and i couldn't handle it and neither could she. i think you guys would both be happier staying together.


New Member
Well, Rebel is going back to Verita's come May 1st. They don't feel comfertable having him at Kamp Akomplish with me being so far away. They said our relationship is so close, they don't know what he'll do when I leave, and they don't want me to be worried about him when i'm gone.. which i'm going to do no matter where I am. I'm a wreck over this whole situation. I don't want him sitting in a field for 4 months while I'm in washington, but a 4 day drive for one summer, isn't worth taking him with me. I won't be able to do much with him if he came with me there and I have no idea about any of the farms around that area.

Hopefully I can find someone to ride him while i'm gone that i trust with him :/ I hate this!:bawl:


New Member
Awww Steph it will be ok. At least this way you know Amy will take great care of him and he will be happy there with the other horses. Could Amy maybe use him as a lesson horse?


New Member
Depending on where that farm is steph, and if i get my licence this summer, i might be able to help you out. Im used to pony attitude :) hehe