Study: Casual Sex Only Rewarding For First Few Decades


I wanna be a SMIB
High EGT said:
ARLINGTON, VA—An alarming new study published in the International Journal of Sexual Health reveals that casual sex, the practice of engaging in frequent, spontaneous sexual encounters with new and exciting partners, may only provide unimaginable pleasure and heart-pounding exhilaration for, at most, 25 to 30 years.

And the problem with this is........?


New Member
High EGT said:
ARLINGTON, VA—An alarming new study published in the International Journal of Sexual Health reveals that casual sex, the practice of engaging in frequent, spontaneous sexual encounters with new and exciting partners, may only provide unimaginable pleasure and heart-pounding exhilaration for, at most, 25 to 30 years.

A lot of marriage/unions doesn't last that long, so then it's better to have this frequent, spontaneous sexual encounters .


I wanna be a SMIB
I cant believe they wasted all that money on a study when I have all the info they would ever need. Remember the 70' , sex , drugs and rock & roll. Believe it or not, I actually do remember. Well most of it anyway.