Study Reveals Doubt on Drug Zetia.......


Ubi bene ibi patria
Study Reveals Doubt on Drug for Cholesterol

"A clinical trial of a widely used cholesterol drug has raised questions both about the medicine’s effectiveness and about the behavior of the pharmaceutical companies that conducted the study, cardiologists said Monday.

Merck and Schering-Plough, which make the drug, Zetia, and a pill that contains it, Vytorin, said Monday morning that Zetia had failed to benefit patients in a two-year trial that ended in April 2006.

Merck and Schering repeatedly missed their own deadlines for reporting the results, leading cardiologists around the world to wonder what the study would show. At the same time, millions of patients have continued taking Zetia and Vytorin."

Nanny Pam

Oh no!

Well, I just had my bloodwork done. I am on Zetia.
I go to the Doc next Thursday to find out. Hope it's working.



Ubi bene ibi patria
Oh no!

Well, I just had my bloodwork done. I am on Zetia.
I go to the Doc next Thursday to find out. Hope it's working.


I'm on Lipitor and it works for me. Let us know if Zetia is working for you.


I'm on Lipitor and it works for me. Let us know if Zetia is working for you.

I was taking Vytorin, but it made me feel so bad that I quit. My doctor said something like the recommended dosage was too high.
I stopped taking it and started taking Niacin instead. Lowered my overall number by 60points!
