Stupid Cat...

Larry Gude

Strung Out now down to about 4-5 left. My guys are loading the truck this evening, lift gate, a pair of 500# carts at a time, and he's done this before; lay on the ground under the gate. He gets in the way of carts, trips people, all around tempter of fate and otherwise idiot cat.

So, they put the gate down and, sure enough, they can't see him and...STOP!!! STOP!!! He's under there wriggling to get out and had the hinge been a bit more rusty and sticky, he might have become buzzard meat.
Or tomato plant adjunct. :lmao:

Anyway, no harm, at all, just a tight squeeze for his dumb azz.



Happy Camper now down to about 4-5 left. My guys are loading the truck this evening, lift gate, a pair of 500# carts at a time, and he's done this before; lay on the ground under the gate. He gets in the way of carts, trips people, all around tempter of fate and otherwise idiot cat.

So, they put the gate down and, sure enough, they can't see him and...STOP!!! STOP!!! He's under there wriggling to get out and had the hinge been a bit more rusty and sticky, he might have become buzzard meat.
Or tomato plant adjunct. :lmao:

Anyway, no harm, at all, just a tight squeeze for his dumb azz.


Much as we love them, they are about as dumb as bricks sometimes, huh? :roflmao: Glad kitty didn't use up his last life!! now down to about 4-5 left. My guys are loading the truck this evening, lift gate, a pair of 500# carts at a time, and he's done this before; lay on the ground under the gate. He gets in the way of carts, trips people, all around tempter of fate and otherwise idiot cat.

So, they put the gate down and, sure enough, they can't see him and...STOP!!! STOP!!! He's under there wriggling to get out and had the hinge been a bit more rusty and sticky, he might have become buzzard meat.
Or tomato plant adjunct. :lmao:

Anyway, no harm, at all, just a tight squeeze for his dumb azz.


New name for cat.....Mat. :lmao:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Nothing quite... the sound of a cat erupting in terror to start your heart.

Same stupid, moron cat. Going into the greenhouse are steel plates covering a utility trench leading to the door. I am not small nor dainty. SLAM, SLAM, SLAM, SLAM I walk on the plates heading into the greenhouse, open goes the door and RREEEEEEEAEAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! as I catch Mr. Dumbsh1ts leg under it. My God. It's like setting off a bomb.

So, I reflexively yank the door back and scream "gethefukoutofthewayoudumbazz!!!"

He trots off like nothing happened besides me yelling at him.
