Sub sailor in custody battle


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
A sailor serving underseas on a submarine is locked in a fight a world away to keep custody of his 6-year-old girl.

Despite Hindes’ assignment, a judge has ordered Hindes to appear in court or face contempt.
Hindes’ lawyers argue he should be protected by the Service members Civil Relief Act, which states courts in custody cases may “grant a stay of proceedings for a minimum period of 90 days” to defendants serving their country.


Active Member
For one thing we are only reading the side of the story the reporter wanted us to read. Although this sounds like another example of our broken down judical sytem, I would like to hear the judge's side before I pass judgement.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
For one thing we are only reading the side of the story the reporter wanted us to read. Although this sounds like another example of our broken down judical sytem, I would like to hear the judge's side before I pass judgement.

I would pass judgement right now. Either the judge is a complete idiot (quite possible), or cannot comprehend how being underwater for 70 days defending the system this person makes their living off of, just might complicate being physically present in court. Any reasonable person would reschedule the hearing for a date the sailor could reasonably be expected to appear.

I've seen enough info to determine the judge ha probably already determined to take custody away from the sailor, regardless of who is the better parent. The threat the judge put out, something like "failure to appear will harm your case" makes it pretty clear.