Suggestions for Take it Easy Campground


New Member
We love this campground, it is close to home and pretty nice for the area. I have few suggestions to make it a better place. I know its easy to say do this and change that and some things cost money and some things don't. But, again these are just observations and listening to comments from other campers.. So here goes.

I know the permanant campers are their life blood... But, I suggest you put them all in one area so that groups coming in for weekends or vacations can camp together instead of having to be all over the place.. That would make it much nicer for permanents and weekenders..

Have the right people to greet you in the office and take care of paperwork. First impressions are everything...

Have some activities for kids nothing big maybe get a ice cream truck to come in on Saturdays, face painting, just a little something.Playground maintenance for safty. Take care of the hornents in the trunks of tree's at playground area. Have hayrides the place is big enough and really nice to take a little ride around the campground...

Enforce the leash law and pet clean up in the campground... Especially in play ground area. Some of the permanants don't really abide by the rules and it makes it bad for others...

You have the area's to have music there... get some local bands to play music and let people dance in the grass... And post it no alcohol allowed. so families can enjoy. Keep it for the campers only... Any trouble then you will be asked to leave and that is that.. Post it so no one can say they were not warned.. Or have karaoke lots of fun for young and old...

Have potluck dinners on holidays.. Supply burgers and dogs and have everyone bring a dish... Been to other campgrounds where this has happened and it was great.

Do some special things for holidays, like cookouts, ice cream socials.

Lastly of my opinions and this is the one that might be unreachable and costly... Put in another bathhouse and bathroom on the backside of the campground... It is a long way for some who choose to use the bathhouse.. Having a little campstore would also be nice..If it were just snacks, soda's chips, and candy..

I know this is easy for me to suggest but, that is just it just suggesting as it would really help your business. The place could be a goldmine...I am sure I don't know all the in's and out's but, I love the place and I would love to see it back to its old glory...

So, if any fellow campers can think of any other suggestions please add them and maybe they will read and put some of the suggestions in motion... Again, I really love the place and who knows some of us campers would be willing to help out at some of these things.. Don't hurt to ask and most campers are more than happy to help out...
So, if any fellow campers can think of any other suggestions please add them and maybe they will read and put some of the suggestions in motion... Again, I really love the place and who knows some of us campers would be willing to help out at some of these things.. Don't hurt to ask and most campers are more than happy to help out...

If you haven't already, knock on the Woodlands private forum....