Suit alleges Wal-Mart locked in janitors


Asperger's Poster Child
I might have more sympathy if the janitors weren't here illegally. Still, I'm glad the government is coming down on Wal-Mart for hiring illegals in the first place. They wouldn't come here if there weren't employers who were willing to ignore the law.


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Originally posted by Tonio
I might have more sympathy if the janitors weren't here illegally.
But they are doing jobs that us lazy Americans won't! :lol:

Seroiusly though, Walmart knows they can treat them like crap and pay them low wages.

As for being locked in all night, a lot of places do that. It keeps people from sneaking smoke breaks out the back door when no ones looking and also merchandise from disappearing. OTOH, I've read stories where the night manager (with a key) goes home to bed and if there's an emergency and someone needs to get out they're screwed.