Sunday Golf


My Sweetest Boy
Nupe2 said:
Did you beat Otter already! :yikes: (in golf that is - :lol:)

:lol: Nah...not yet. Looks like my Saturday lesson will get rained out. Ott's at the store..I'm sure he'll get back to you.


Well-Known Member
cattitude said:
:lol: Nah...not yet. Looks like my Saturday lesson will get rained out. Ott's at the store..I'm sure he'll get back to you.

You might be able to get it in. I'll check back to see if anybody's up for it. My wife is getting the bug after driving me around the courses in NC. Maybe we'll be able to "double date" next year on the course.....worlds are colliding! :yikes: :yay:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
cattitude said:
6 is good..I thought it was 5. I plan to be over that way around 3.
5:00 is good. If you want to show up at 3:00, I'll teach you how to clean the pond.

I had to take the pool down today, so don't bother bringing Otter's speedo.