
Hey somd people...haven't been here since: "You last visited: 10-31-2004 at 06:52 PM" Just saying hi and hoping the new year is going well for people. Nice meeting you AGAIN JabbaJawz on the new year...I hurd all the dip got thrown out? DAMN!!! Shudda brougth my tubberwear :peace:


Set Trippin
ThatNewGuy said:
Hey somd people...haven't been here since: "You last visited: 10-31-2004 at 06:52 PM" Just saying hi and hoping the new year is going well for people. Nice meeting you AGAIN JabbaJawz on the new year...I hurd all the dip got thrown out? DAMN!!! Shudda brougth my tubberwear :peace:
We had a big get together Firday night... How you been? :biggrin:
hey peeps!!!

sup mainman and cmc....well I have been around...just busy with work and all...lots of travel involved...I was looking thru some of the postings and looks like folk might be meetin' up on Thrusday or so? I am down for that...sorry I missed the bash on Friday...woulda been nice to see peeps again...
I've been gone so long my pic was removed!!!! :lmao: DAMN!!!! :peace:


Football addict
ThatNewGuy said:
Hey somd people...haven't been here since: "You last visited: 10-31-2004 at 06:52 PM" Just saying hi and hoping the new year is going well for people. Nice meeting you AGAIN JabbaJawz on the new year...I hurd all the dip got thrown out? DAMN!!! Shudda brougth my tubberwear :peace:
Sup cracka?

BuddyLee said:
We'll have to get a drink my brotha, I'm legal now.:razz:
Oh!!! Congrats, man!!!! Didn't even know ur bday passed...
Well, I will be DD for you since I don't drink and all...but we can go to the strip club :lmao: That wil be my bday treat for long as you pay!!! (kidding of course) :peace: