Super Bowl music...


Movie Fan
I thought Billy Joel did a hideous job with the National Anthem, but loved Prince's halftime show performance, especially Purple Rain. Prince is the man!

Nanny Pam

DotTheEyes said:
I thought Billy Joel did a hideous job with the National Anthem, but loved Prince's halftime show performance, especially Purple Rain. Prince is the man!
I agree. He effed it all up. I hate it when people try to "make it their own."'s NOt their own, it's ours. Sing it right, damnit!


New Member
I agree

Nannypam I agree with you sing it right damnit:) It was awful and the commercials were not very good this year:( I was so disappointed


Well-Known Member
I just watched that episode of dirty jobs where Mike Rowe sings the National Anthem at the Bowie Baysox field.........he did a way better job!


New Member
the anthem sounded horrible, i personally didn't liek the half time show either, they could have gotten someone more up to date to do it