Super Bowl predictions

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Indy v. Vikes

Indy because the Pats run is, I think, over, the Steelers have taken a step back and the Ravens will lose the AFC championship game at Indy.

Vikes because they are, clearly, the best team in the NFC. Peterson doesn't fumble 900 times and Brett plays like he has at least some sense.


Well-Known Member
I'll go with: Rams vs. Raiders in the Battle of The Former LA Teams. :killingme
(They might actually get 5 wins between them this year...)

Seriously, I'll take:
Chargers vs. Cowgirls (<--They have incentive to play SB at home field)

Larry Gude

Strung Out
They are close to being done, I agree..but I think they can squeeze one more good year out.

Well, I won't be shocked. Nor will I be shocked if the Pack gets there. Those two games, Vikes/Pack, will both be game of the year regular season games.



New Member
Indy v. Vikes

Indy because the Pats run is, I think, over, the Steelers have taken a step back and the Ravens will lose the AFC championship game at Indy.

Vikes because they are, clearly, the best team in the NFC. Peterson doesn't fumble 900 times and Brett plays like he has at least some sense.

Now that's what I'm talking about :buddies:


The Steelers :duh:

No, I'm thinking the Colts for the AFC and I'm kinda leaning towards the Saints or possibly Green Bay for the NFC.


The Steelers :duh:

No, I'm thinking the Colts for the AFC and I'm kinda leaning towards the Saints or possibly Green Bay for the NFC.

RICH - you are such a homer...but at least you can see the STEALERS will not have a chance this year. My guess is 8-8 and out of the play offs for your STEALERS.

Now, my JETS on the other hand...yup, my wife and I have tix for that game. She will be rooting for the STEALERS and I for my JETS. Sunday get to be pretty interesting around here.

Super Bowl prediction - Sanchez kills the JETS chances late in the year. Ravens/Pack in the Super Bowl as long as Boldin stays healthy.
I'm going with the Favrings 23-20 over the Ravens on a last minute touchdown pass from a visibly hobbled God to Sidney Rice.


I would like to interupt this tread to report my son, during an intersquad scrimmage caught a 40 yard TD pass, then a few minutes later swapped to defense and had a pick 6 for 20 yards as the middle linebacker.

Please resume

Jets v. Saints, Saints make it Duex in a row.


Vikes v Saints and Pats v Colts......

Reality...rematch from last year with Colts winning

Hoping..Vikes v Pats w/ Gunslinger winning and retiring...for seriousness this time.
Gonna have to throw a flag on that for obvious sucking up to Larry.

You've got it all wrong - Larry's been sucking up to me on this issue all along.

If you find that argument unpersuasive, your Honor, my alternate defense is: I wasn't sucking up to him, I was mocking him.



Nothing to see here
You've got it all wrong - Larry's been sucking up to me on this issue all along.

If you find that argument unpersuasive, your Honor, my alternate defense is: I wasn't sucking up to him, I was mocking him.


:lol: :yay: