Support The Troops Rally


I AM an enigma
Just thought I would throw this out there for ya'll. I know I will be there.....
Even have my own homemade signs.

The D.C. Chapter of invites all those who support our troops and their mission fighting the war on terrorists in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere at home and abroad to join us in Washington, D.C. on Saturday, September 23, 2006, from noon to 3 p.m. on the grounds of the Washington Monument at 17th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW.


(I hope that link works!)


I AM an enigma
Bustem' Down said:
Hmmm, that could turn out to be fun. I wonder if Ms. Sheehan and her friends will show up? :evil:

Oh boy I sure hope so! There is always some sort of protest going on up there. Usually it's Code Pink...which Ms. Cindy is a staunch supporter of, or maybe they are her supporters...either way....

I am just getting sick of all the crackpots getting on the news like they speak for the majority of Americans. Well, they DO NOT speak for me.

Silent no longer.