Surprised me a little bit

Larry Gude

Strung Out
To put this staggering number into perceptive, out of every 36 people you meet in the U.S., one of them probably has a motorcycle.

It is FAR lower than that because, motorcycles, like potato chips, well, you can't just have one. I have 6, so, it is a good bit less than one of every 36.

As for Maryland, Maryland is full of people who worry about what they eat, inhale, think, do, drink and so forth. Riding a bike, especially in traffic around here, is like a 24 1/2ounce soda; lurking death. Motorcycles are not characteristic of the rule making, rule following busy body nature of a typical Marylander.


Power with Control
It is FAR lower than that because, motorcycles, like potato chips, well, you can't just have one. I have 6, so, it is a good bit less than one of every 36.

As for Maryland, Maryland is full of people who worry about what they eat, inhale, think, do, drink and so forth. Riding a bike, especially in traffic around here, is like a 24 1/2ounce soda; lurking death. Motorcycles are not characteristic of the rule making, rule following busy body nature of a typical Marylander.

I was going to say that the love of freedom and willingness to take risk in return for non-material rewards you find in motorcyclists, not as common in MD, which is another way of saying what Larry did :buddies:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I was going to say that the love of freedom and willingness to take risk in return for non-material rewards you find in motorcyclists, not as common in MD, which is another way of saying what Larry did :buddies:

That's an excellent way of putting it. Maryland has lots of come heres because of the gummint and all the pork that swirls around it and that draws successful people who do not make a habit of doing ANYTHING that doesn't contribute to success.

All sorts of Marylanders who hate golf play it because it's the done thing for networking.

All sorts of Marylands snow ski, same thing.


Hiking. Riding bikes (with helmets of course, on bikes too LOL)

But, motorcycle riding is dangerous and doesn't advance anything but the gorgeous views, the solitude and the thrill. For the potential reward of eating a guard rail or some car bumper.
