Surprised me...

I was just scanning thru the channel guide on DishNetwork, and the Lawrence Welk Show is still airing....

:shocking: Yikes.....


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Turn on TLC, it has the dude that is a partial tree growths coming out of his body.
:lol: He's gonna kick your butt!

I used to watch that faithfully with my grandparents.

You said you were in a :getdown: mood... so here. :whistle:

That is just too funny... I was "forced" to watch that as a kid growing up, because grandma had to watch it every Sunday night, so she got control of the only TV we had, and old black and white.... I still laugh when I think of the bubble machine....

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
That is just too funny... I was "forced" to watch that as a kid growing up, because grandma had to watch it every Sunday night, so she got control of the only TV we had, and old black and white.... I still laugh when I think of the bubble machine....

Did she make you get up and change the channels?