Surprising cat breeds to be wary of


Board Mommy
PREMO Member


Anyone? Tell us your story about being mauled by a cat or bitten/scratched so badly it caused serious damage.



professional daydreamer
My cat was vicious. Had to have him declawed because he was so aggressive. He sent me to the hospital once. As for the breed...:shrug:


I'm Rick James #####!
I got mauled by a cougar once. My friends saw it coming and did nothing to help. :frown:


My Sweetest Boy


Anyone? Tell us your story about being mauled by a cat or bitten/scratched so badly it caused serious damage.


When I was about 10, I made the mistake of bringing a stray cat into our home when our cat had kittens. The mama climbed my leg to get to the stray. I still have scars.

My mom had a cat that was rescued from a dumpster. She was the meanest cat I've even been around. I had numerous "swipes" from her and she would chase my mother.

Over the years, I've had many more cat bites and clawings than I care to remembers..the most recent, however, was from a very small gray kitten who shall remain nameless. :lol:


Jam out with ur clam out
A friend of my was bitten so badly they had to lance and drain the wounds on her hands and arms. They even talked to her about possible amputation. :yikes::barf:


New Member
A Vet Tech that I know got bit by a cat on his index finger. The bite punctured his joint. His finger was in a splint for awhile, and to this day he cannot bend his finger at the joint. Guess the little bugger didn't want its shots.


My mom was attacked by an alley cat in Germantown Philadephia back in the 50s. She hates cats.

When I first met my BF his cat attacked my face, that was the very first time I was ever attacked by a cat. She attacked my son's arm when he had it laying there still and various stuffed animals in his bed, Curious George, Sock Monkey and Chucky. She is a Siamese/Biatch mix with blue eyes.


My Abby is seriously vicious with the other cats if she's in a mood. Garfield that JBZ2 gave us, he does NOT like my husband and has bit the blood out of him twice. Poor thing, I think he must have been abused at some point cause he seems to really hate my husband and my husband has never done anything to him. He loves me to pieces though! :lmao:


Soul Probe
I've been bit by a Manx but it was my fault, I was playing with him too much when he wasn't in the mood. I had to get a tetanus shot and still have the scar.

The meanest cats I've observed by nature are Siamese. :shrug: