DNR Survey of Maryland Hunters Results Released


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Respondents Share Views on Hunting Issues

Photo of hunter, dog and good decoys silhouette against the water

Photo by Larry Hindman

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources today released results of a survey of Maryland hunters’ attitudes towards a variety of topics related to hunting in Maryland. The survey was conducted on behalf of the department by Responsive Management, a leading survey research firm specializing in natural resource and outdoor recreation issues.

The survey focused on the characteristics of Maryland’s hunters and the type of hunting they do, their use and satisfaction with hunting on Maryland’s Wildlife Management Areas, and their opinions on hunting-related issues.

“The survey provides a wealth of information that will help us improve delivery of our programs to hunters in Maryland,” Wildlife and Heritage Service Director Paul Peditto said.

Some highlights of the survey include:

  • 84% of hunters were very or somewhat satisfied with their Maryland hunting experience.
  • White-tailed deer, followed by Canada geese, wild turkey, ducks, and squirrels were hunted most often.
  • The average hunter spent nearly 30 days afield each year.
  • The counties hunted most often were Baltimore, Carroll, Dorchester, Frederick, Garrett, and Kent.
  • 72% of hunters wanted more Sunday hunting opportunities, including support from migratory bird hunters.
  • 28% of hunters used Maryland Wildlife Management Areas and 67% were very or somewhat satisfied with their experience.
  • Nearly 60% of respondents had taken a new hunter afield in the past five years, and 95% agreed that it was important to introduce new individuals to hunting.

The full survey is on the department’s website.