
Larry Gude

Strung Out
Obviously, the AFC winner will be the favorite to win the Super Bowl. However, given it's going to be yet another blood fest flat out war between two teams that have become THE top rivalry, replacing Indy/New England, and it's going to be cold and the field is going to take a toll, far more than 80 degrees in Arizona, will anyone even survive this thing? Will the winner be too beat up to be of much use two weeks from now? Will there be a let done having beaten the other league monster?

This has the makings of a true classic! :buddies:


Obviously, the AFC winner will be the favorite to win the Super Bowl. However, given it's going to be yet another blood fest flat out war between two teams that have become THE top rivalry, replacing Indy/New England, and it's going to be cold and the field is going to take a toll, far more than 80 degrees in Arizona, will anyone even survive this thing? Will the winner be too beat up to be of much use two weeks from now? Will there be a let done having beaten the other league monster?

This has the makings of a true classic! :buddies:

And.....the Steelers are gonna win!:evil: