PGPD Suspended Officer Indicted on Assault Charges


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A grand jury today indicted a suspended Prince George’s County Police Officer on two counts of second degree assault and two counts of misconduct in office. Corporal Clarence Black is accused of assaulting a driver during a traffic stop on October 7, 2020, in Temple Hills.

During a use-of-force review of the incident, Corporal Black’s commanders notified the Internal Affairs Division which immediately opened an investigation. Corporal Black’s police powers were suspended on October 20, 2020. The Prince George’s Police Department brought this case to the State’s Attorney’s Office for consideration of criminal charges.

“It’s important for the community to know that in this case, a fellow officer intervened on behalf of the driver during the traffic stop. Corporal Black’s commanders reviewed evidence and based on that review, referred the case to Internal Affairs for an investigation,” said Chief Malik Aziz.

Black joined the PGPD in 2002. Prior to his suspension, he was assigned to the Bureau of Patrol.

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