PGPD Suspended Police Officer Indicted on Assault Charge


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A grand jury on Tuesday indicted a suspended Prince George’s County Police Officer on a first degree assault charge. Corporal Darryl Wormuth is also charged with second degree assault and misconduct in office. Wormuth is accused of assaulting a teenager after he was taken into custody on October 20, 2020, in Suitland.

Fellow officers who were also on the scene alerted their commanders of the incident. The commanders then contacted the Internal Affairs Division. Wormuth’s police powers were suspended on October 26, 2020. The Prince George’s County Police Department brought this case to the State’s Attorney’s Office for consideration of criminal charges.

“I support and commend the officers who stepped forward to report this incident. I encourage and expect all officers who witness any potential wrongdoing to do the same,” said Interim Chief Hector Velez.

Wormuth joined the PGPD in 2007. He is assigned to the Bureau of Patrol. After Tuesday’s indictment, Wormuth is now suspended without pay.

Disclaimer: In the U.S.A., all persons accused of a crime by the State are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. See: Additionally, all of the information provided above is solely from the perspective of the respective law enforcement agency and does not provide any direct input from the accused or persons otherwise mentioned. You can find additional information about the case by searching the Maryland Judiciary Case Search Database using the accused's name and date of birth. The database is online at . Persons named who have been found innocent or not guilty of all charges in the respective case, and/or have had the case ordered expunged by the court can have their name, age, and city redacted by following the process defined at