Swiss war game invasion by bankrupt French


PREMO Member
Swiss war game envisages invasion by bankrupt French

Hordes of bankrupt French invade Switzerland to get their hands on their “stolen” money — such is the imaginary scenario cooked up by the Swiss military in simulations revealed over the weekend.

Carried out in August, the apparently outlandish army exercise was based on the premise of an attack by a financially stricken France split into warring regions, according to Matin Dimanche, the Lausanne-based daily.

One of these, “Saônia,” corresponding to the existing Jura region, was preparing attacks on Switzerland to retrieve money it had apparently swiped from France.

Operation “Duplex-Barbara” went as far as imagining a three-pronged invasion from points near Neufchâtel, Lausanne and Geneva, according to a map published in the Swiss newspaper.

Behind the dastardly raid was a paramilitary organisation dubbed BLD, the Dijon Free Brigade bent on grabbing back “money that Switzerland had stolen from Saônia”.

“For its credibility, the Swiss army must work (to ward against) threats of the 21st century,” Antoine Vielliard, Hauate-Savoie councillor, told Matin Dimanche.



Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
French Toast and Champaign? That's Sunday brunch food, guess they were done earlier than I thought.

Afterwards, they enjoyed fresh French francs & fries while the defeated army esgargot'd back to Fr-h-awn-se.


Spent some time in Switzerland. Never forget the quote attributed to Hitler:
"Ten years and ten thousand men" is what he figured it would have taken to invade.
So what to do?
He bribed them. Look up black trains. Worked well until a flight of B-17s strayed off course and blew the one railroad switching yard to hell that the Germans need to supply Italy and France.
Every man between the age of 17 and 50 is in the military and are REQUIRED to have an assault rifle, ammunition and grenades in their home. Look up their crime statistics.


PREMO Member
Every man between the age of 17 and 50 is in the military and are REQUIRED to have an assault rifle, ammunition and grenades in their home. Look up their crime statistics.

not sure about grenades but Issue Weapon and basic Ammunition load yep

gun related crime is near zero