swollen right side of ankle



I was wondering what I can do to get the swelling to go down. I have tried ice it just made it swell more and I have also tried tylenol and now on to aleve and nothing seems to be working. I am tired of sitting around but walking around and putting a lot of pressure on it makes it hurt.


professional daydreamer
I was wondering what I can do to get the swelling to go down. I have tried ice it just made it swell more and I have also tried tylenol and now on to aleve and nothing seems to be working. I am tired of sitting around but walking around and putting a lot of pressure on it makes it hurt.

Is it the right side of your left ankle, or right ankle?


I was wondering what I can do to get the swelling to go down. I have tried ice it just made it swell more and I have also tried tylenol and now on to aleve and nothing seems to be working. I am tired of sitting around but walking around and putting a lot of pressure on it makes it hurt.

Alternate heat and cold? What happened?


I don't know what happened my guess would be when i took the dog out i landed in a mine that is out there due to other dogs that run loose digging at the store. It is my left foot right side . I can't wear a tennis shoe because it hurts too much as it presses against the swelling.


New Member
I don't know what happened my guess would be when i took the dog out i landed in a mine that is out there due to other dogs that run loose digging at the store. It is my left foot right side . I can't wear a tennis shoe because it hurts too much as it presses against the swelling.

maybe put on some flip flops and go to the drugstore and ask for right angle ankle wrap. :shrug:


professional daydreamer
It is my left foot right side .

I was just :poke: :lmao:

I'd recommend ibuprofen, too. When did you do this? Did you see a doc? You probably should have it xrayed to make sure it's not broken, if you haven't already. If you have, you need to be following the docs instructions.


I did this last week thursday I think if i remember straight. I haven't seen a doctor as of yet. I am going to try and get my mom to give me a ride to urgent care when she gets back in.


Soul Probe
I did this last week thursday I think if i remember straight. I haven't seen a doctor as of yet. I am going to try and get my mom to give me a ride to urgent care when she gets back in.

Aside from ibuprofen keep your foot propped up to help reduce the swelling.


Well-Known Member

and take Ibuprofen....Tylenol and aleve are acetaminophens, which is a pain releiver....Ibuprofen in a anti-inflammatory

:nono: Aleve is naproxen. It is in a group of drugs called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Naproxen is used to treat pain or inflammation caused by conditions such as arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, tendinitis, bursitis, gout, or menstrual cramps.

Aleve would be the better drug to take as it lasts longer than motrin. Take two as the first dose, then one every 12 hours.


Soul Probe
:nono: Aleve is naproxen. It is in a group of drugs called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Naproxen is used to treat pain or inflammation caused by conditions such as arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, tendinitis, bursitis, gout, or menstrual cramps.

Aleve would be the better drug to take as it lasts longer than motrin. Take two as the first dose, then one every 12 hours.

Unless you're prone to stomach issues in which case take with food or an acid reducer.


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Staff member
PREMO Member
RICE = rest, ice, compression, elevate.

And aspirin or ibuprofen, like a few have already posted.


I have been living on teh couch the last few days I think my behind left an inprint (sp) on the couch. I been trying to stay off of my foot as much as possible but I have a dog that has to be taken care of (no fenced in yard so I can't let her run) I wish I could as she likes to go out all the darn time.


Thanks everybody for your help. I have done the aleve and iced my foot down and the swelling has gone down and its startign to hurt less to walk on. I am keeping it elevated on the back of the couch while layign down as it is above my heart. I hope to return to work tomorrow if I am needed as I have been off since sunday.


Yup I feel a lot better today the swelling is mostly gone but am still taking aleve as if i step the wrong way my foot starts to hurt. As a matter of fact today I am back at work til about 330 or maybe 130 i can't remember what my mother said earlier as we have dog obedience training tonight. We are going to try something with bruno (a gentle leader) to see if that will stop her from pulling me all over gods creation as shes 65+ pounds and is going to weigh about 130 pounds when shes all done growing and I don't want to get hurt again by her.