Yeah, let's just go back to nam & korea too, kill 'em all if we don't like them right? Our way is the only way. C'mon where exactly did you guys go to school, himmler academy.
If we cleansed the world of fanatics, some posters here better look out, as well as born-again christians, reformed alcoholics, reformed jews, etc. Where do "we" get off dictating to the world what is correct? What gives one nation the right to decide what is right and wrong for the entire world?
Bush seems to think his "war on terrorism" gives him carte blanche to invade other soverign nations, thumb his nose at international law, violate the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th & 9th amendments, (heard of the patriot act?) and turn this nation into a semi-police state (flown recently, how about walked thru Lafayette park in dc, or gone thru metal detectors to see a ballgame?) and we're all just fat, dumb and happy as long as we've got cable.