

New Member
I was wondering about some info for t-ball. My son will be 4 in June and i found on the parks and rec website they have a volunteer league. I emailed the guy who runs or coaches but got nothing back. Does anyone have any info on info on it? I know signs ups are on Feb 7th. How long is t-ball and what days are the games and practices?


You're a LOON :)
I was wondering about some info for t-ball. My son will be 4 in June and i found on the parks and rec website they have a volunteer league. I emailed the guy who runs or coaches but got nothing back. Does anyone have any info on info on it? I know signs ups are on Feb 7th. How long is t-ball and what days are the games and practices?

What county are you in?


New Member
Northern end or southern end? From Chingville road north on rt 5 and from Pegg road north on rt 235 is the American league, all south is National league
Saint Mary's National Little League Southern league
St. Mary's American Little League Northern league

St. Mary’s County Youth T-Ball Organization
Volunteer League
Ages:4 to 7 years (birth date must be between July 1, 2001 and Dec 31, 2004)
Sat Feb 7, 14, 21 Mechanicsville Firehouse
Sat Feb 7, 14, 21 Leonardtown Firehouse
Sat Feb 7, 14, 21 7th District Firehouse
Sat Feb 7, 14, 21 Chancellors Run Regional Park
Time:10:00 am – 12:00 pm at all the firehouses and
12:00 pm – 2:00 pm at Chancellors Run Regional Park
Registration/Location:Wed Feb 11, 18 Mechanicsville Firehouse
Wed Feb 11, 18 Chancellors Run Regional Park
Time:6:00 – 8:00 pm On-line registration form:No Cost:$30 per player, $50 for two or more siblings in immediate family Information:Call David O’Neill at (301) 634-5067.
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New Member
Starts in April and ends the first week in June, The season gets extended if your child is nominated to play in the All Stars usually another 3 to 5 weeks, Games are usually twice during the week and sometimes Saturdays.


You're a LOON :)
I just want to know how long is the season and when do they play games.

The sesason usually starts mid to late March with practices. Games usually run April through the beginning of June.

Not sure when the kids play. When my daughter played T-Ball in St Marys games were during the week. We are in Calvert now and all games are on Saturdays for T-Ball.

Go to the website for the league in your area and ask them the questions.


New Member
Last year my son played on that league and it was Tuesdays/Thursday nights. They started in March and finished in June.


off the shelf
I was wondering about some info for t-ball. My son will be 4 in June and i found on the parks and rec website they have a volunteer league. I emailed the guy who runs or coaches but got nothing back. Does anyone have any info on info on it? I know signs ups are on Feb 7th. How long is t-ball and what days are the games and practices?

The league might not let you sign him up because of his age