t-shirt hell takes a stand


Football addict
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=481 align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD colSpan=2 height=10>http://www.tshirthell.com/images/freetravel_subhead_1.jpg</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2 height=10></TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2>Recently a woman was kicked off of a Southwest Airlines flight in Reno after she refused to cover up a T-shirt some considered to be in poor taste. We believe her only crime was purchasing a t-shirt from somewhere other than tshirthell.com

At T-Shirt Hell we are dedicated to protecting the rights and civil liberties of our customers. One of these liberties is freedom of expression, and another equally important one is freedom of travel.

We have decided to make the following offer: if any T-Shirt Hell customer is kicked off of any commercial airline flight simply for wearing one of our shirts, we will provide you with alternate transportation to get you to your original destination. This transportation includes, but is not limited to, the T-Shirt Hell corporate jet.

We will not allow our customers to be intimidated into wearing less interesting clothing, or forced to cover up our shirts. Or even worse, we don’t want our customers to have to remove their shirts and display their pale, flabby midsections and suffer the taunts of the other passengers. T-Shirt Hell customers are supposed to be subjecting the other passengers to ridicule, and not the other way around.

This is not a joke. But by no means should this be construed as a challenge or a contest. We are not trying to encourage anyone to actively or intentionally engage in an attempt to disrupt operations of a commercial flight. Doing that is dangerous, stupid, and against the law. If you get yourself kicked off for being drunk, abusive, belligerent, having poor personal hygiene, or any form of general disorderly conduct you are on your own. If you are reasonable, and courteous, and are refused passage solely for getting up in the morning and putting on your favorite t-shirt, we'll get you alternate transportation, and pick up the tab.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Good. And I hope it costs them a fortune and puts them out of business. You'd think people would know better than to wear offensive, obscenity laden t-shirts out in public.

Even though I do think the shirts are funny.
vraiblonde said:
Good. And I hope it costs them a fortune and puts them out of business. You'd think people would know better than to wear offensive, obscenity laden t-shirts out on public.

Even though I do think the shirts are funny.
The majority of my brother's wardrobe comes from t-shirt hell... did I ever tell you how I got even with him for chosing to be vulgar and offensive in public...:whistle:


professional daydreamer
vraiblonde said:
Good. And I hope it costs them a fortune and puts them out of business. You'd think people would know better than to wear offensive, obscenity laden t-shirts out in public.

Even though I do think the shirts are funny.

I see no reason to put a company out of business just because someone who purchases something from them doesn't have enough sense to know where to wear it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
kwillia said:
did I ever tell you how I got even with him for chosing to be vulgar and offensive in public
No, but do tell because I might want to use it on this punk down the street.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
elaine said:
I see no reason to put a company out of business just because someone who purchases something from them doesn't have enough sense to know where to wear it.
Nope - I'd put them out of business because they're encouraging people to wear these vulgarities out in public. "You have a right! Fight the power!"



professional daydreamer
vraiblonde said:
Nope - I'd put them out of business because they're encouraging people to wear these vulgarities out in public. "You have a right! Fight the power!"


They do have a right, but a little good sense goes a long way. Just like I have the right to walk around in my underwear if I want to. Doesn't mean I will.
vraiblonde said:
No, but do tell because I might want to use it on this punk down the street.
My sister and brother have taken up hiking. They select a different park, course, trail just about every weekend and go for a 8-10 mile hike. My brother loves to wear his t-shirt hell shirts because he has a warped sense of humor and really believes with enough exposure he can get the rest of us to see things in the same light as he does. I have had many heated debates with him on this topic. I finally figured out a way to make him see my point. I ordered a t-shirt from t-shirt hell for my sister. She agreed to wear it on the next hike.... :hehehehehehe:

It was a cool morning so he didn't think anything of her having a sweatshirt over her t-shirt when they began the hike. As time went on and the day warmed up, she proceeded to take off her sweatshirt. Not long after that, my brother noticed that oncoming folks were doing double takes, giggling and pointing, some turning red in the face, and it took him a while to finally bother to look at his sister's shirt... it was a blood red t-shirt with large white letters which said, "HE LOVES THE C*CK" and an arrow pointing at him. My sister said his response was priceless. He turned as red as the shirt and said, "That biatch put you up to this didn't she? She got me. She got me good." He was a good sport about it and spent the rest of the day blushing as he had to face the oncoming traffic knowing what they were giggling about. It worked... he has since toned down the shirts he wears on the hikes... :biggrin:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
If you get yourself kicked off for being drunk, abusive, belligerent, having poor personal hygiene, or any form of general disorderly conduct you are on your own.

Larry just brought up an excellent point. Note the disclaimer above ^ People do not get kicked off airplanes for wearing obscene shirts; they get kicked off for refusing to turn the shirt inside out or take it off. So this is a marketing ploy by the tshirthell.com people and they will never have to pay a dime in airfare.

Smart. :yay:


New Member
Willie, the T-shirt at least in the article i read said meet the f*ckers and it was a picture of Bush. I think the woman definitely should have been able to wear the shirt (freedom of speech?) but i think it is inappropriate to wear around kids just because, they should not be exposed to that type of language. She definitely should not have been taken off her flight, guess she won't be using Southwest anymore.


New Member
my girlfriend has a shirt that says Vaginal Friendly, she got it in Dupont, we get a lot of weird l@@ks with that one.


Well-Known Member
I heard this woman on Hannity, a while back. Not the greatest moment for either one of them.

From what I heard, she was making the second leg of a layover, when the whole thing went down. She was mostly p!ssed that if there'd been some kind of concern over her wearing the "Meet the F*ckers* T-shirt on the FIRST flight, she'd have done something about it THEN - like, consider alternate transportation or simply cover up. Nobody complained, and so she went about her business.

Now I recently flew to the West Coast and made stops going there, and back. I'd be PLENTY furious if I was stuck in Denver or Minneapolis, with my luggage flying on ahead of me, if someone didn't like what my shirt said HALFWAY through my flight. If they had a problem, they should have said something at the start of the trip, or at least, made it clear what their policy was, then.

That's not to defend this woman. You don't go wearing crap with vulgarities like that in public in front of children. I don't care if you're sitting on a plane quietly off to the side - you don't do that. It's, if anything, extremely poor judgment.

(BTW, my flight HOME was nearly as tough - right NEXT TO an uncontrollably crying baby. Thank God for headphones).


Hannity interviewed this woman, and she was your typical Bush-hating dumbass. She kept contradicting herself by saying that she only wore the shirt because her parents hate Bush as she was on her way home to visit them and she thought they would get a kick out of it. Then she started tearing into Bush and how she has the right to wear a protest shirt of she wants to because she doesn't like Bush. Then she started talking about how she had some concerns about kids seeing the shirt, but then said that he rights were more important than anyone else's.

The end story is that she had the shirt on in the boarding area, and airline employees told her to cover up or change the shirt, so she covered it with another shirt. Then she got on the plane and away from the gate area employees and took the cover off. She knew what she was doing, and wasn't any innocent in the matter.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Isn't there some kind of public indecency laws?

I applaud t-shirt hell. Not because they support wearing offensive t-shirts in public. They took a potentially bad situation and made a brilliant marketing strategy.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
What does...

I think the woman definitely should have been able to wear the shirt (freedom of speech?) but i think it is inappropriate to wear around kids

...that mean? You can wear whatever you want in public unless there are some kids in public?