#1: No on re-call. The vote for him they should be stuck with him. I hope there is a move to eliminate the re-call as it is.
#2 Arnold won not because if his celebrity per se but because of the style and substance of his celebrity. Babs is a celebrity. So is Alec Baldwin.
#3 Arnold will excel. Everything he has done is based on figuring out what the task takes, making a plan, sticking to it and working very hard and disciplined at it, including flexibility. He will get the apparatus to work with him and compromise on what is required. He will use his political capital to minimize the compromises however.
It will be EASY to turn the WMD of public displeasure on pols who aren't helping. This was Davis' major flaw, he had no juice.
#4 His is no Jesse. Jesse would not compromise and that is not the way it works in politics for the most part. He is no Reagan. Ron is a part of our landscape and culture fom way back. Arnold is the great immigrant story. Arnold is closer to Ron if I have to choose. Another reason Arnold will do well is because thsi is IT. He cannot run for higher office.
#5 No. I would have voted for McClintock. Of course, I voted for Keyes.
#6 Respect the discipline and rise.
#7 The allegations changed nothing for me. Though Arnold is nowhere near the predator Clinton is, like raping Brodderick, the victim needs to press charges then and there. Same thing goes for the allegations about Davis pushing people around. It seems it was awfully tough for anyone to get worked up over Arnold copping a feel after the Clintons show and all the hear, see and feel no evil done by the left. Hypocrisy has some limits. Absurdity is one.
#8 The LA Times is not a tool. It is merely partisan like many other sources of 'news'.
#9 It seems Democrats cannot comprehend Latino's supporting common sense law. They are Americans to and this threatened their safety as much as anyone else. The bill passed twice and was veto'd twice. Davis has no moral compass it seems.
#10 The borders are wide open for three reasons: People who want illegals to have drivers liscenses and voting rights need...illegals. Businesses want labor. The VAST majority of illegals are here for the same reason as everyone else; persuing the American dream. Lastly, ilegals get screwed out of SS/Med which helps pols put off doing anything about it.
#11 I have no problem providng public services for long as they can pay for it. Got a boo boo or runny nose? Pay for it. Worried about a heart attack? Better buy some insurance.
#12 California faces the same problem every other state and the feds face: Spending rising faster than the economy that supports spending. IF Cali (and DC and MD for that matter) had MERELY held spending INCREASES to inflation and projected population growth there would be NO budget deficits. NONE.
#13 My sex is...none of you damn business!
#14 I'm a registered Repuke as they like to say o'er at the DU.
A progressive Republican.
#15 I consider myself VERY moderate. See #12. I'm not for massive spending cuts per se. What could be more moderate than allowing spending to grow as income grows?
#16 The Wash Times.
#17 The Times of NY.
#18 stereotyping is kinda tough. There are a bunch of people you never heard of who wanna do the job. Then, there are a bunch of people you never heard of until they become Gary Condit.
#19 Other...
I'm over 13. Most of the time.