Talking Terri


Luvin Life !!!
I must admit myself that I personally would not want to live out my life on Tv or in a bed where my quality of life was as we all have seen displayed of this poor woman. I guess all in all my only difficulty on how this whole way played out situation is, Where in our lives a spouse has more say so than the flesh and blood that created us does? Truthfully this woman has been gone for years as far as living, feeling and embracing life. So if her parents can't let go why shouldn't they fill the tube and allow them to hold on to what was because when they look at her they don't see what we see. If we can pay to support criminals then lets fill her tube up send her home with Mom and Dad, give the husband a divorce so he can remarry the mother of his children and stop the pissing match. I believe all that are parents would dare let anyone tell them that someone else would now their child better.


Set Trippin
So if her parents can't let go why shouldn't they fill the tube and allow them to hold on to what was because when they look at her they don't see what we see.
I can't wait till this is over....


New Member
not to sound s***** or anything, but now that it is the end, why don't they actually spend some time with her instead of talking to reporters. I keep seeing reports that the dad spent 10 minutes with her today or the mom didn't see her at all. I lost 3 very close family members in the last 11 months- 2 were expected and I spent every moment I could with them. I didn't want to let go, but sometimes you have to think about the other person.