Tamiflu for Parvo Treatment Urgently Needed!!


New Member
URGENT!!!!!!!!!! We need Tamiflu asap!!!!!!!!! Our rescue, Adopt A Spot Dalmatian Rescue, just pulled a 13 mo. old male Dalmatian named Shadow that has come down with Parvo!!! He has incurred vet bills so far of at least $1,500. We have exhausted our funds. The vet said it would be an additional $2,200 at least to pull him through the weekend. We just don't have that kind of money now. Shadow has just taken a turn for the worse today (Saturday) and our only hope is Tamiflu to try to save him. Does anyone have any they can spare? It is urgently needed!!!! Please help Shadow. He has been dealt a crappy hand of cards!!!! Help!!!!! He deserves a chance at a decent life.

Stacey McCarson


New Member
Please believe me this is not a SCAM!!!!!!!!!! This dog is critically ill and I figured horse and cat people may not see dog thread, thus posting for as much exposure as possible!!! Sorry if it has made you skeptical, but this is URGENT!!!! Dog is now critical. Tamiflu looks to be our only hope at this point and still may not save him. Shadow's vet bills have exhausted what money we made from our Tree of Lights Fundraiser at Christmas. We are a 501(c) (3) non-profit rescue. We operate strictly from donations. Our website is www.adoptaspotdalrescue.com. Check us out.


appyday said:
Ok Camily but I am waiting for her to answer my question if she wants help she needs to let me know what I need to know as soon as she can I hope she gets back to me soon.
You are so effen retarded! :killingme I have to admit, that made me laugh out loud and confirm my families beliefs that I spend too much time here and that I need to get a life.


New Member
Appy: I can't find your question so that I can answer. Not in PM? or on thread. Please email or call me. Edited to remove private info.
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appyday said:
I responded to a post you made...see when you make so many it is confusing..think I posted under dogs..not sure..
You think you're confused? Think of how she feels trying to figure out who is posting to her. :lmao:


New Member
Appy: Thanks for trying. I just got off the phone with Debbie Kidd, founder of Adopt A Spot Dalmatian Rescue. Bad news!!! (Crying). We have a heavy heart. We lost Shadow a couple hours ago. He is now at Rainbow Bridge. The foster mom (in Fredericksburg) just called Debbie. Shadow was a 13 mo. old, 50 lb. Dalmatian boy who was owner-surrendered to Spotsylvania County Animal Shelter in Spotsylvania, VA. He was surrendered during the New Years Holiday. Our rescue pulled him when the shelter opened after New Years. It doesn't make any sense. He had a DHLPP when he contracted Parvo. His age and the vaccination should have helped him. He was rushed to Fredericksburg Regional Emergency Vet when he first contracted the disease. That bill was $905. He was transferred to Confederate Ridge Vet Hospital to the tune of $250 per day from the Emergency vet. Neither vet in that area would administer Tamiflu. According to Debbie, Tamiflu has a very high success rate for treating Parvo. That's why we were trying to get it because the vets in that area wouldn't prescribe it. Poor Shadow, RIP baby boy. He's at peace now. Appy, if you will, Debbie would like to know how you are able to come by Tamiflu? She would like to try to get some to keep on hand in case another Parvo dog comes in, which it inevitably will. I'd be greatful if you'd email me the info. Staceyrachel@gmpexpress.net. Thanks to everyone who tried to help Shadow.

Stacey McCarson


New Member
Wow, that is a heck of a difference! Off the top of my head, I know we use droncit, cephalexin, baytril, clavamox, panacur, heartworm treatments, flea treatments, ivermectin, and propylene glycal, but she is going to email me a list of drugs the rescue would like to keep on hand. We'd appreciate any assistance you could give us, or point us in the direction, to get the meds cheaper in the future. Being a 501(c) (3), it helps to cut costs any way we can. One sick dog will eat up funds quickly. We have 4 right now that are HW+ and currently undergoing treatment and another one in North Carolina that we are bringing in next week that is HW+ and very emaciated. Whew!!


Cowgirl Up
appyday said:
I can get you all of that...I just got 500cc 1% ivermec for UNDER $100 on ebay..you can HW a bunch of dogs for that!! I am not going to say they are all cheaper...BUT you need no script..so I will pay a little for for the convienence...

Flea treatments again..EBAY...

:flowers: for U Appy. Your generosity amazes me. If I ever get in the green I would give it to U....but :whistle: don't be holdn your breath wait'n :dead: you'd be. Its very uncommon in the world today to find someone like you. :huggy:


New Member
Debbie has been getting the ivermectin from Southern States. I don't know what she is paying for it. We are trying a new heartworm treatment that Dawn Collete (Dal Rescue in New Orleans, currently relocated to San Antonio) is using. According to her, it is supposed to have a 100% success rate and is easier on the dogs than conventional methods though it does take longer to treat. It is 27% propalene glycal and 3% ivermectin. 1cc per 25 lbs. given orally. Billy (my foster) has been getting it. His dosage has been 2.3cc (he weighs 58 lbs.) orally every 3 days. Billy has had 12 doses so far. I am supposed to Snap Test him today to see if he comes out negative. He hasn't had a bad reaction to it. No vomitting, no lethargy, nothing. I have been getting my flea treatments off E-Bay, too. Heartworm pills, too, sometimes and sometimes I can pick them up here on www.somd.com.


Cowgirl Up
:howdy: Thanks, I'll keep it in mind. It seems like I go through more sulfa then anything else. My daugther mare seems to always be into something.


Cowgirl Up
I just got 200 tabs last week so I'll let you know. Thanks.....And did you see my message to you today? Go back to #20.


Cowgirl Up
I don't know..they don't sign. It does not matter though..You can't please everyone.Butttttttttttt.........................................................................
It always amazes me everytime someone has a need your are the 1st to jump right in. The world needs alot more Appys.