Tampon crafts

Nanny Pam


Can you imagine having to keep a straight face, walking into someones home and seeing these "crafts" hanging around!?? :lmao:
I'd pee my pants!
Nanny Pam said:

Can you imagine having to keep a straight face, walking into someones home and seeing these "crafts" hanging around!?? :lmao:
I'd pee my pants!

Oh come on, NP. You know you're totally going to make some of those Christmas crafts for your tree this year!


New Member
flomaster said:
Think I puked in my mouth when I saw the earrings!!!! :barf:

Bloody Tampon Heart Earrings

Wear your heart…on your ears. These tampon heart earrings display both your romantic sentiments and your menstrual pride.



J.F. A sus ordenes!
Ponytail said:
Bloody Tampon Heart Earrings

Wear your heart…on your ears. These tampon heart earrings display both your romantic sentiments and your menstrual pride.


I think I will buy some for Josephine but make them from used Depends!!!! :lmao:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
I made the BEST Kotex slippers for my friends at Xmas one time. I am not looking for the site, but they were the best presents ever. And COMFORTABLE? Oh, you would not believe how comfy they were. And if your feet got sweaty, well, NO problem.