

Infinite Impetus
I will be on a Carribean cruise the third week in April. I want to be tan and not burn on my trip... When do you guys think would be the best time to start baking (indoor tanning, using level III and VI beds)?

Please spare the indoor tanning danger speech, TIA.


aka Mrs. Giant
I start a month out, but I'm also unable to go every day due to my schedule constraints. If you can go every day, two weeks out should be good.


Infinite Impetus
I start a month out, but I'm also unable to go every day due to my schedule constraints. If you can go every day, two weeks out should be good.

Yeah you guys think 2 weeks is enough? I was thinking 2 MONTHS, lol. This is why I asked for opinions..


Salt Life
Yeah you guys think 2 weeks is enough? I was thinking 2 MONTHS, lol. This is why I asked for opinions..

As Mig mentioned, some will depend on your schedule. If you want to space it out, 2 months is good. If you just want it done and over with, 2 weeks out should be plenty. I assume you are just looking for a bit of color? I've always used self tanner in the evenings before a trip to help boost my color.


New Member
You "shed" top layers of skin every day so you don't want to start to far out....all of that will be gone anyway! Two weeks seems like a good start.


Harley Rider
It depends on your skin type. In April (if it's over 75 degrees and sunny) I can go out and wash my car or cut the grass in a tank top and, when I come in, I can see tan lines.

The key is: not too much at one time. It's very bad to lay out for hours to get a tan, even with lotion on. Gradually tan, then make sure you use a good aloe lotion each day. My tan usually hangs around from April until late October (but then, I have that self basting Italian skin that secretes olive oil) :yahoo: and I also ride my Harley 3-4 times a week in Spring & Summer...


Active Member
I usually take about a month to get a nice tan. You shouldn't go everyday, even though the salons will let you. I would suggest every other day.