Tapout’ Owner Killed In Horrific Car Crash


Miller Tang Soo Do Rocks
Charles “Mask” Lewis, one of the founding members of the ultra-popular Tapout clothing brand, died in a car crash around 1 a.m. on Wednesday in Newport Beach, Calif., according to Orange County Coroner’s Office spokesman Jim Amormino.

Lewis, a star of the Versus reality TV show “Tapout,” was 45 years old.
He did so much for MMA its a big loss. R.I.P Mask


I bowl overhand
Not a particular loss to society as a whole..

He won't be missed, but I'm sure they'll find a way to make money off of it.

Died when he tried to take out a lightpole in his Ferrari.. Him and the Ferrari lost.

Racing a Porsche, the driver of the Porsche (?) is being held on $1,000,000 bail for gross vehicle manslaughter..

There was also a woman in his Ferrari that was ejected.. dumbass not only killed himself, but almost took someone with him..
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Throwing the deuces
I know I've seen him before (his TV show) because I always thought he was alittle strange. Sorry to hear about his death but if what Itsbob wrote is true, then I don't feel too bad for him. Dumb decisions sometimes bring about final conclusions. I am glad the lady with him survived atleast.
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New Member
Charles “Mask” Lewis, one of the founding members of the ultra-popular Tapout clothing brand, died in a car crash around 1 a.m. on Wednesday in Newport Beach, Calif., according to Orange County Coroner’s Office spokesman Jim Amormino.

Lewis, a star of the Versus reality TV show “Tapout,” was 45 years old.
He did so much for MMA its a big loss. R.I.P Mask
