Tastefully Simple (link to website)
I went to a party a few weeks ago, and it was the first time I'd ever heard of it too, so I can sum it up for you the way it was summed up for me. It's "gourmet" food, that is prepared in mixes or whatever, and all you have to do is add a few ingredients. Most of the things don't have to be baked, but a few do. The beer bread is AWESOME. You stir the mix in with a carbonated beverage of any kind(not just beer...the hostess of the other party used sprite zero and it was GREAT), and bake it and its so good. We tasted alot of food at her party, and I have to say, I didnt taste anything I didnt like..However, I did have to make sure I pulled money out of the atm before I went so I didnt overspend, because it was all soooo good! I've had some people cancel on me or decide to go out of town on the day of my party, so I would love to have some more people, and its a good way to meet people. My contacts are limited to people with babies, and other Coast Guard wives, and there aren't that many of us here compared to the navy wives...haha... So.. PM me if you're interested in attending. We'd be glad to have you!