Tax Day TEA Party Poll


F*** Socialism!
We've all seen the new Liberal government in action for a few months now. I think we all know what's on the horizon (tax increases, inflation, bigger national debts, BIGger government, nationalized healthcare from the same folks that bring us the MVA, the IRS, and the Post Office).

I think I can safely assume folks that did not vote for Hussein want no part of this, but you folks that did vote him in, do you feel OK or more patriotic with the coming taxation onslaught, or do you believe my worries are all Right Wing propaganda? Just curious if there are second thoughts about electing this man who is running "hog wild" with his costly liberal agenda.
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F*** Socialism!
I voted for Hussein. Who'd you vote for - Sidney?
I think his first couple of months were better than expected and I'm really looking forward to the future. Was that what you were looking for?

That is exactly what I was curious about.

Sidney? - yeah, we were stuck with a turkey named Sidney. :whistle:

I'm not sure things would be much better with that "Democrat-Lite", either.

Conservatives were not represented in the 2008 election by any Republicans. Which is the primary reason they lost so much.

I'm glad you're looking forward to the future and happy with your choice. I see irresponsible spending from both sides of the aisle that my children and grandchildren will be paying for. Generational theft is shameful and wrong and wreckless spending is harmful to the future good of the nation.

And before you say it, yes W. was guilty of it, too, and I see many people blame him for all the ills in our economy, yet Congress was packed full of "just as guilty" do-nothing's.
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Whats really shameful is the statistic that 42% of all US filiers have zero tax liability. Thats 0, nada, nothing, zilch for Federal Taxes. Which means my friend that 58% pay the bill for all. And I would bet that 20% in the top bracket pay the overwhelming majority of all the tax.

So its basic democratic strategy. When the 42% goes to 50%, you can rest assured that the democrat will always win. I mean who is gonna vote themselves a tax increase.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I actually see life as getting better if he is successful - and face it NO ONE really knows if it's going to fail - some people are just hopeful it will. I like his views on education, I like his world wide views and vision, I really like his transportation ideas and his volunteer ideas for our country. It reminds me of someone else I really liked.

Hold up. One of the great questions of our time that never even gets asked, let alone answered, is 'what does success look like'?

There is NO getting around the national debt and the deficit spending that he is doing. Same thing for all the commitments getting made to back up housing and cars and insurers and banks.

Limbaugh took great heat for saying he hopes Obama fails and yet he clarified that by saying he sees much of what Obama is doing as socialist, which it is, and he hopes it fails on those grounds; socializing the economy.

I do, too. I mean, if anything, think about it in simply economic terms, setting aside politics and labels; we are spending money that ONLY the rich can ever afford to pay back. This type spending is moving rich and poor, even rich and middle class, further and further apart. If the middle class is tapped out, has lost all their value in stocks and our homes, then, where in the hell does the money come from to pay this back? The rich.

So, every new little hidden tax on cigarettes, cell phone bills, on energy bills and so forth takes the middle class and the poor and buries them ever deeper
in back handed taxes and cements them, us, under this mountain of debt.

In simpler terms, it's just like the housing bubble; we, as a nation, are, in effect, buying way, way more house than we can ever afford and are simply taking 30 year mortgages and extending them out to 40, 50, 60 years and more and fiddling with the interest rates to keep the whole pyramid scheme going.

Bernie Madoff went to jail for what our government does as SOP.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I am of a simple mind Larry (y'all should have a great time with that). I go to work I do my job I come home I watch tv with my child. I talk to friends I go out on occasion I read books I play with my son. Is that successful? I don't know - I'm happy, I'm content with my life, I love my child, my family, my dog. I don't worry about the what ifs and selfish though it may be I think in terms of myself and them. If I sat and thought about it I would probably think things could be better I don't have a fabulous life. I sure as hell have it better than a lot of other people though. I'm quite content with that and if I wasn't I hit rock bottom and figure out a different game plan. Been there done that always managed to survive.

I'm not about to define success for YOU. I think for the vast majority of us, life pretty much just goes on be it Bush, Clinton or Obama.

There's no way for me to talk you into redefining your life in terms of whether or not the government now warrantying GM pick up trucks is any better or worse than the government intervention that help them long ago create their now long lost monopoly in the first place.

I'm an idealist and I think your life, my life, would all be better if I got my way; more fealty to the constitution. However, I'm just not willing to burn down villages to save them. So, the waters edge is where I stop. I make my case. I go about my business. :buddies:


In My Opinion
success can be measured in more ways that just money Dixie.
I consider my life so far a success because I have a home, a family, I can afford my cars and my camper and the once a year trip that we take.
I have my daughters college fund pretty much taken care of for at least the first four years.

Some people might look at that and wish they had it, others will look at it and be glad that they dont have to live the way I do.

But, when it comes to the possible loss of money to play with due to redistribution of wealth, or the very good chance that the cost of college is going to go throught the roof so the illegals can be afforded their education, I do have a problem.
I cover my own health care, I expect others to do the same.
I go to work every day, I expect others to do the same.
This current government seems to think that the best way to handle the lazy is to take more from the working, and give it to the non-working.

and if for one moment you think that taxes at the higher level are not going to mean an increase in your cost of living, you are mistaken.
When our government is so blind that that cant understand that we need to introduce new technologies before we get rid of whats working now, then we are in trouble.
obama is proving to be an idealistic idiot, he thinks that by cutting off our source of power some new supply will fill the slot that exact same minute.
he is a danger to our country.


I am of a simple mind Larry (y'all should have a great time with that). I go to work I do my job I come home I watch tv with my child. I talk to friends I go out on occasion I read books I play with my son. Is that successful? I don't know - I'm happy, I'm content with my life, I love my child, my family, my dog. I don't worry about the what ifs and selfish though it may be I think in terms of myself and them. If I sat and thought about it I would probably think things could be better I don't have a fabulous life. I sure as hell have it better than a lot of other people though. I'm quite content with that and if I wasn't I hit rock bottom and figure out a different game plan. Been there done that always managed to survive.

Nope, I see you as successful and should be punished for it. How dare you have such a content life! You simply have too much and ought not. Look at all the poor people around you. You simply aren't giving enough.

That's how the person you voted for feels about - what he calls - the wealthy. He has taken it upon himself (along with his liberal ilk) to define what success is and punish them for it. That should send a foul message to everyone that you can be included (in the future) in some arbitrary definition of 'wealthy".

And let me ask you another question... were you okay with Bush's deficit spending? If not, why would you be okay with Obama's; which is 10 times the spending?

When raising taxes on the "wealthy" isn't enough, the only logical next move is to raise taxes on you and me. And I can assure you of two things: 1) Obama isn't near done spending and 2) The taxes Obama intends to raise on the wealthy wont touch the tip of the iceberg in paying for the interest Obama's debt will accrue, let alone his spending.


Sorry, I'm not Patch...
In simpler terms, it's just like the housing bubble; we, as a nation, are, in effect, buying way, way more house than we can ever afford and are simply taking 30 year mortgages and extending them out to 40, 50, 60 years and more and fiddling with the interest rates to keep the whole pyramid scheme going.

Bernie Madoff went to jail for what our government does as SOP.


Nope, I see you as successful and should be punished for it. How dare you have such a content life! You simply have too much and ought not. Look at all the poor people around you. You simply aren't giving enough.

That's how the person you voted for feels about - what he calls - the wealthy. He has taken it upon himself (along with his liberal ilk) to define what success is and punish them for it. That should send a foul message to everyone that you can be included (in the future) in some arbitrary definition of 'wealthy".

And let me ask you another question... were you okay with Bush's deficit spending? If not, why would you be okay with Obama's; which is 10 times the spending?

When raising taxes on the "wealthy" isn't enough, the only logical next move is to raise taxes on you and me. And I can assure you of two things: 1) Obama isn't near done spending and 2) The taxes Obama intends to raise on the wealthy wont touch the tip of the iceberg in paying for the interest Obama's debt will accrue, let alone his spending.
Zactly. And there's one thing about the wealthy, they can afford to pick up and move out of the country along with their wealth and guess who's left to pick up the tax tab. You guessed it, you and me. Thank you Mr. President for your unwarranted and unrestrained spending policy. I love that money from the spending bill goes towards such nice things as a bridge across the Microsoft University. 11 million out of our pockets for that one. I'm sure you, Dixie, like your tax dollars going for that one especially for a multi-million dollar corp that can afford it out of pocket change.
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Dixie, PsyOps presented some good points and raised several questions to you and all you can reply with is 'yup'? Yup what? Most liberals I know answer that way when you show them facts that dispell their illusions because they do not want to admit or see the truth, are you like that?


F*** Socialism!
Dixie, PsyOps presented some good points and raised several questions to you and all you can reply with is 'yup'? Yup what? Most liberals I know answer that way when you show them facts that dispell their illusions because they do not want to admit or see the truth, are you like that?

Without trying to stir this pot even more, one thing I have found consistent with Hussein supporters - they don't mind the concepts of sacrifice and spreadibg the wealth as long as they are not expected to participate in the giving. As long as they get to pick & chose who makes too much and which groups wealth should be shared, Hussein's programs is a pure joy to behold by both the recipients of the field leveling and those too ignorant to believe higher taxes are coming and will affect their way of life.

It is not ridiculous or funny to see hard working Americans banded together demanding the gov't be held accountable for spending regardless of their party. This is even more important when the leaders of the regime such as Hussein, Reid, and Pelosi opt to trivialize these citizens voices


In My Opinion
You know what? If it affects my way of life, I'll adjust. I always do. The previous question to which I answered yup was:

And let me ask you another question... were you okay with Bush's deficit spending?

Let me elaborate. First of all there was only one question. It's bolded above.
I answered yup. Did it require anymore? Looks like a beautiful day BTW - I think I'll let myself go home early - in the immortal words of IMNO wake up and smell the roses. Have a lovely weekend - watch out for falling skies!
Bushs deficit that he left obama was less than what obama has spent in his first 60 days.
the majority of the money spent during the Bush admin was in response to the 9/11 issue.
the majority of what obama is spending has little to do with national security or the benifit of the majority.

so for me, Yes, Bush spent what he had to. obama is spending like a leach on welfare payday.


New Member
Bushs deficit that he left obama was less than what obama has spent in his first 60 days.

Annual deficit? National deficit? GONG

the majority of the money spent during the Bush admin was in response to the 9/11 issue.

Your right Iraq was tied to 911. 236 Billion surplus in 2000 and a doubling of the national deficit and a $420 billion shortcoming in the 2008 budget. Nice fizcal conservatizm

the majority of what obama is spending has little to do with national security or the benifit of the majority.

so for me, Yes, Bush spent what he had to. obama is spending like a leach on welfare payday.

Quick to forget the the 700 billion financial bailout that Bush signed in October aren't you.


You know what? If it affects my way of life, I'll adjust. I always do. The previous question to which I answered yup was:

And let me ask you another question... were you okay with Bush's deficit spending?

Let me elaborate. First of all there was only one question. It's bolded above.
I answered yup. Did it require anymore? Looks like a beautiful day BTW - I think I'll let myself go home early - in the immortal words of IMNO wake up and smell the roses. Have a lovely weekend - watch out for falling skies!

I have another question for you... how much are YOU willing to give out of your paycheck to make sure YOUR wealth is equally distributed as dictated by our government?