Tax Relief Package


Raisin cane
Announced today eliminates 100% of state retirement taxes.

I take it that means a retiree will not pay state income tax on any retirement income (Pension, 401k, SS)?

Does anyone think this will actually pass?
If it does, will it change your retirement plans about staying in or leaving Maryland?


Well-Known Member
Does anyone think this will actually pass?
If it does, will it change your retirement plans about staying in or leaving Maryland?
Perhaps. Otherwise Maryland has nothing going for it but geography (and I specifically don't mean its proximity to DC when I write "geography").


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
While I would love to see both state income and property taxes done away with for retirees, I don't expect too much from MD. I do know that when you reach a certain age and live alone, the property taxes go WAY down or are completely eliminated. My thought is that they should do away with property taxes as soon as one starts to draw SS retirement.


Well-Known Member
right now, Maryland is a rudderless steamship heading towards the Bermuda Triangle... Captain Larry Fatman Ahab barks orders to the crew, tries to placate everyone, has a Korean parrot crapping on his shoulders and wants to be the Admiral of the high seas...his life boats are named Baltimore and Pee Gee...