

Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Some babies are born with teeth. Average, I believe is somewhere around 5 months. The earliest of mine was 4 months. They spend about a month chewing and drooling before actually getting a tooth.

John Z

if you will
Ours is 8 mos old, and he's got his two front lower teeth coming in. They started showing just before the 8 month point.
when do children start to teath? i think my daughter has a few coming in but im not sure.

Some are early as 3 months. I got my first tooth at 6 months. My son has been teething for at least a month, but a tooth has yet to pop through and he'll be 6 months next week.


RIP Quinn
My first child did not cut his first tooth until his first birthday. His final 2 year molars just finished coming through and he'll be 3 in May. My second child is 11 mos. and he still has not cut his first, however I suspect it is coming real soon as he is gumming his hand and drooling A LOT.
Your baby will drool a lot sometimes a couple months before a tooth comes in. Flushed cheeks, VERY lowgrade fever, and diarreah are also signs..
Give her a frozen waffle to chew on or put a wet rag in the freezer for a little while and let her chew on that..


New Member
My oldest got his first tooth @ 5 months....Boy twin got his first tooth @ 8 months and my girl twin - Her 1st popped through right after her 1st birthday. The twins have ful sets now, their 2 year molars are through as well...My son is 4, will be 5 in July, and he has not lost any teeth.