Teen arrested after mom found in freezer


New Member
"quiet with no history of violence".

Truly sad. What the hell is going on lately? These people make St Mary's people seem normal!


New Member
Uncle Rico said:
How could someone do that to their mother. THAT'S COLD!
Chilling to thing that a child could do that to a parent. Glad I don't have any kids. Evil Demon Spawn.


People close to the family described the teenager as very quiet and a good student, with no history of violent behavior.
The quiet ones. That's not the first story I've heard where the perpetrator was quiet and no trouble in school, etc.


Spay and Neuter Your Pets
Vince said:
The quiet ones. That's not the first story I've heard where the perpetrator was quiet and no trouble in school, etc.

True. You should be happy to argue with your children, at least you're communicating and will probably have some advance notice when they've reached the point of wanting to kill you. Which, I believe, happens with teenagers every other day. :lmao:


New Member
Vince said:
The quiet ones. That's not the first story I've heard where the perpetrator was quiet and no trouble in school, etc.

My mother should have been more appreciative of me for having gotten in so much trouble in school for NOT being quiet.


:jameo: I just don't understand the lengths that some people go to.

If he is found guilty, the sonofa##### should die. If there is hardcore proof, I am all for an eye for an eye. Until the Death Penalty becomes legal nationwide, people who are guilty of crimes like this will think it's okay to commit these crimes. We need to get rid of the notion that it is okay for somebody to sit on death row, with hard core proof that they commited the crime, for 15 years before we decide that it is okay to kill their a$$. Until this happens the burden of that persons crime still rests on the general taxpayer who is doing what they are suppose to do, when they are suppose to do it, and doing it legally.

How much money does it cost every year to house somebody on death row?


lower life form
I'm guessing the kid probably didn't do it, but just freaked out and acted irrationally when he found that somebody else had done his mother in.

But I'm probably wrong again, as usual.


Angel said:

How much money does it cost every year to house somebody on death row?

"According to Corrections Department spokeswoman Margot Bach, it costs $90,000 more a year to house an inmate on death row, where each person has a private cell and extra guards, than in the general prison population." LA Times, California
This is on top of what the Prison normally spends on Security, Food Services, Physical Plant Cost, Medical, Insurance, Education, Clothing/Laundry, Administration Costs, and Inmate Services.