Teen killed dad after threat to take car..........


Ubi bene ibi patria
Teen killed dad after threat to take car, authorities say Bullet-riddled body was found in burning house

"When firefighters found the 50-year-old man's body in the master bedroom, they knew his death hadn't been caused by the blaze they'd just extinguished inside his northwest Harris County home. He had been shot to death.

One week later, police have charged the man's 17-year-old son with murder. Investigators say the teen killed his dad on Valentine's Day and set fire to his home because the older man threatened to take away his 1996 silver Cadillac as a punishment for bad grades.

Evan McMillan was arrested at his mother's home and charged Thursday with killing his father, William McMillan. On Friday, he was released from a Harris County jail on $50,000 bond."

Teen killed dad after threat to take car away, authorities say | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle