Teen parents accused of raping 1 day old baby.


"Typical White Person"

MCKENZIE - The infant whose parents are accused of raping her is doing "fine," her aunt said Monday.

"She's healthy," Donna Ward said of the child in a telephone interview on Monday. Ward said she is keeping the baby girl and her sister's 1-year-old daughter.

Police have charged Ward's sister, 18-year-old Kristina Louise Sawyer, and her boyfriend, Jonathan Wayne Goodrum, 19, with the March 24 rape of the child.

The couple was arrested in April, according to arrest warrants filed in Carroll County Circuit Court. The Carroll County Grand Jury indicted them May 1.
The court has set June 6 as the date to hear any motions in the case, a court clerk said.

An object inserted in the child's rear private area caused "minute tears" around that area with a larger tear extending to the front private area, arrest warrants said.

McKenzie Police Lt. Tim Nanney has said the incident happened before the child was taken home from McKenzie Regional Hospital.

Sawyer and Goodrum were still in jail Monday, according to the Carroll County Sheriff's Department.

Goodrum is being held on a $100,000 bond. Sawyer's bond was reduced to $5,000 following her arraignment because police are still looking into what role, if any, she had in the incident.

Huntingdon attorney Steve West was appointed to represent Sawyer. Goodrum is being represented by the 24th Judicial District's Public Defender's Office.

Neither West nor Public Defender Guy Wilkinson could be reached late Monday afternoon for comment.

Ward said she doesn't condone what happened and she doesn't believe her sister had any part in it.

"I raised her," Ward said of Sawyer. "I know she didn't do what they said she did."

Asked what Sawyer did for a living, Ward said she was a student in an adult education program.

Police have said Sawyer and Goodrum were living at the Value Inn Motel and were engaged to be married.

Ward was not certain why her sister was at the Value Inn Motel because all her belongings were still at their mother's McKenzie apartment, where Sawyer had been staying, she said. Ward said she doesn't believe Sawyer would have married Goodrum.

Their mother, Lorraine Brandl of McKenzie, said she was too hurt by the incident to comment Monday. A sign on her apartment door stated in part: "Do not disturb. My daughter is not a rapist."

Residents who have heard of the case find it disturbing.

"I can't even fathom where the idea would come from to do something like that," said Joe LaPorta, a former New York resident who is living in McKenzie and doing renovation work at the Value Inn Motel, located on Highland Drive in the town's business district.

Value Inn resident Larry Thomas had seen the couple around the facility when they lived there. He said there needs to be a tough penalty if the couple is guilty.

Nanney said Monday the case is very unusual.

"I've never had any case like this before," said Nanney, who has worked more than 16 years in law enforcement. "I've had child rape cases before, but nothing dealing with a child this young."

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- Tonya Smith-King, 425-9680

If this turns out to be true, this is, in the words of Samuel L Jackson "Some effed up repugnant S***"


Where are my pants?
It seems like there's a lot of information missing from this story. I'd be interested in knowing if there were any witnesses, security camera records, or if any of the other hospital staff had unrestricted access to the infant. I know truth is often stranger than fiction, but some of this stuff just doesn't add up for me.


"Typical White Person"
Club'nBabySeals said:
It seems like there's a lot of information missing from this story. I'd be interested in knowing if there were any witnesses, security camera records, or if any of the other hospital staff had unrestricted access to the infant. I know truth is often stranger than fiction, but some of this stuff just doesn't add up for me.

I agree, I felt like it was very incomplete. That is why I was sure to put in "if this turns out to be true" because I do have some doubts.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I do not remember having a lot of privacy when I was in the hospital after giving birth. I'm more inclined to suspect a nurse or orderly.


curiouser and curiouser
vraiblonde said:
I do not remember having a lot of privacy when I was in the hospital after giving birth. I'm more inclined to suspect a nurse or orderly.
I had a ton of privacy...my own room and the baby was with me the whole time. I still don't necessarily believe the parents did it though.


"Typical White Person"
vraiblonde said:
I do not remember having a lot of privacy when I was in the hospital after giving birth. I'm more inclined to suspect a nurse or orderly.

I don't know how things were when you had your baby but we had a son just over a year ago and we had the option of having him spend the night in the room with us, which we did, of course it was interupted every couple hours or so by someone coming in to do checks. Still they probably had plenty of time to do something like this.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
My son was born in a military hospital and my room was like a barracks. I think there were six of us in there. :lol:

My daughter was born in a civilian hospital and I had a roommate, plus nurses running in and out every few minutes. Certainly they left us alone when my husband came to visit, but I don't really remember it.


curiouser and curiouser
vraiblonde said:
My son was born in a military hospital and my room was like a barracks. I think there were six of us in there. :lol:
Mine was born at NNMC Bethesda, and they'd just redone the maternity ward. Very large private room with a huge bathroom, hardwood floors, a sleeper sofa, and a decent sized TV. I still just wanted to go home though. :lol:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Nickel said:
Mine was born at NNMC Bethesda, and they'd just redone the maternity ward. Very large private room with a huge bathroom, hardwood floors, a sleeper sofa, and a decent sized TV.

Doug was born at Eisenhower Army Medical Center at Ft. Gordon, GA and we not only were in this huge bullpen of a room (no TV), but I had to go to the supply closet, get linens and make my own bed EVERY DAY! AND we had to walk down the hall to get our own meals and the meals of any roommates that had c-sections or something and couldn't get around. :lol:


curiouser and curiouser
vraiblonde said:

Doug was born at Eisenhower Army Medical Center at Ft. Gordon, GA and we not only were in this huge bullpen of a room (no TV), but I had to go to the supply closet, get linens and make my own bed EVERY DAY! AND we had to walk down the hall to get our own meals and the meals of any roommates that had c-sections or something and couldn't get around. :lol:
They might as well just stitch you up and send you home. :killingme


Lem Putt
vraiblonde said:

Doug was born at Eisenhower Army Medical Center at Ft. Gordon, GA and we not only were in this huge bullpen of a room (no TV), but I had to go to the supply closet, get linens and make my own bed EVERY DAY! AND we had to walk down the hall to get our own meals and the meals of any roommates that had c-sections or something and couldn't get around. :lol:
My Mom told me that she had to walk from delivery to her room. The nurses told her to shut up. Officer's wives were not allowed to cry. They were supposed to show the enlisted wives that they were superior.

The Air Force doctors caused my brother to be born with Cerebral Palsy, then convinced my Mom that it was her fault because she took the drugs that the doctors told her to. She still blames herself today.

My experience when I was active duty was much better, but I didn't have anything serious to deal with.

The active duty people I deal with now tell me that they receive service that is as good as or better than civilian service.


curiouser and curiouser
MMDad said:
The active duty people I deal with now tell me that they receive service that is as good as or better than civilian service.
I've grown up with military doctors literally my whole life. Up until about five years ago, I was never impressed. There was a three year lapse in military coverage (went from my daddy's policy to my husband's :whistle:), and since then I haven't had to deal with them at all. However, if I had to base my opinion solely on the level of care my brother received in a civilian hospital compared to the level of care he is receiving in a military hospital, I would say the military has it, hands down. After seeing what I've seen, I hope I never have to step foot in a civilian hospital.

Okay, so maybe not literally my whole life, but pretty close. :lol:
Last edited:


vraiblonde said:

Doug was born at Eisenhower Army Medical Center at Ft. Gordon, GA and we not only were in this huge bullpen of a room (no TV), but I had to go to the supply closet, get linens and make my own bed EVERY DAY! AND we had to walk down the hall to get our own meals and the meals of any roommates that had c-sections or something and couldn't get around. :lol:
You were in Disgusta Georgia? :lol: I lived about 25 miles south in Wrens.


Lem Putt
MysticalMom said:
This story is just too sick for me to even fathom.:shakinghead:
:yeahthat: The aunt/sister says that she raised the 18 year old, who has two kids. Wow, she done did some good raisin'!


The Smart Hooker
This story is horrible! What in the hell is wrong with people? Seriously, what makes people do such a horrible thing? I truly hope they didn't do this to that baby...but if they did, FRY EM! FRY who ever did do it.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
vraiblonde said:

Doug was born at Eisenhower Army Medical Center at Ft. Gordon, GA and we not only were in this huge bullpen of a room (no TV), but I had to go to the supply closet, get linens and make my own bed EVERY DAY! AND we had to walk down the hall to get our own meals and the meals of any roommates that had c-sections or something and couldn't get around. :lol:
Are you sure it wasn't the 4077? At least there you could have borrowed Radar's bear.