Teeny tiny ticks.... all over!


Boy came home covered with teeny tiny ticks, at first I thought they were chiggers but I looked closer as I was trying to scrape them off and they're so small, trying to burrow.... I stripped him down and they're on his legs, arms..... I asked if rolled in them.... he was playing in swampy grass.... UGH.

He is soaking in the tub with a blend of essential oils that threw in there because I initially thought they were chiggers.

Scrubbing the ticks off made me itchy, I kept thinking they were on me :twitch:

I just couldn't believe how many there were.


Boy came home covered with teeny tiny ticks, at first I thought they were chiggers but I looked closer as I was trying to scrape them off and they're so small, trying to burrow.... I stripped him down and they're on his legs, arms..... I asked if rolled in them.... he was playing in swampy grass.... UGH.

He is soaking in the tub with a blend of essential oils that threw in there because I initially thought they were chiggers.

Scrubbing the ticks off made me itchy, I kept thinking they were on me :twitch:

I just couldn't believe how many there were.

Those sound like deer ticks and they are what cause Lyme desease. If he had that many on him, I would certainly recommend that you take him to his pediatrician tomorrow. At least if they were ticks with Lyme, the doc may prescribe antibiotics to head it off before it gets to the later stages. If you could save some of the ticks to give to the doc, that would be helpful too.


Those sound like deer ticks and they are what cause Lyme desease. If he had that many on him, I would certainly recommend that you take him to his pediatrician tomorrow. At least if they were ticks with Lyme, the doc may prescribe antibiotics to head it off before it gets to the later stages. If you could save some of the ticks to give to the doc, that would be helpful too.

No, couldn't save them.... he kept asking if he was in trouble but I kept telling him "no, mom's just freaked out b/c I don't want you or me to get Lyme disease". I had 2 tick bites a few weeks ago and got tested, I was fine. In my son's case I'm going to wait a week or so.... that is when the Dr. told me it would show up. However I will call the Dr. tomorrow to see if I can get him on the antibiotics.

I have dealt with ticks all my life, as a child I'd pull 3 to 4 out of my head in the morning after a full day of playing in the woods. Now that I'm pregnant and Lymes is rampant, it's a different story.


No, couldn't save them.... he kept asking if he was in trouble but I kept telling him "no, mom's just freaked out b/c I don't want you or me to get Lyme disease". I had 2 tick bites a few weeks ago and got tested, I was fine. In my son's case I'm going to wait a week or so.... that is when the Dr. told me it would show up. However I will call the Dr. tomorrow to see if I can get him on the antibiotics.

I have dealt with ticks all my life, as a child I'd pull 3 to 4 out of my head in the morning after a full day of playing in the woods. Now that I'm pregnant and Lymes is rampant, it's a different story.

I've been in FL since August 14 and have not seen one tick, deer or regular(and I have a dog a 4 cats) not sure if it's becasue I live in a close neighborhood or what, but that is something from Maryland I will not miss. I'm sure they have them here, but people seem to be more worried about fire ants and snakes than anything else (I haven't seen any of these either, just a bunch of lizzards, armadillos and gigantic crickets that are about the size of a small plane).


New Member
I have lyme disease - this is my second time dealing with it. And your post is pretty much my worst nightmare for myself or my daughter.

I'm going to have nightmares tonight... I can't get the image of hundreds of teeny tiny ticks crawling all over me out of my head.



I have lyme disease - this is my second time dealing with it. And your post is pretty much my worst nightmare for myself or my daughter.

I'm going to have nightmares tonight... I can't get the image of hundreds of teeny tiny ticks crawling all over me out of my head.


I always wondered why, if they can find a vaccine from Lyme for a dog and they found a vaccine for swine flu for humans, why can't they find a vaccine for Lyme for humans? It doesn't make sense.
Boy came home covered with teeny tiny ticks, at first I thought they were chiggers but I looked closer as I was trying to scrape them off and they're so small, trying to burrow.... I stripped him down and they're on his legs, arms..... I asked if rolled in them.... he was playing in swampy grass.... UGH.

He is soaking in the tub with a blend of essential oils that threw in there because I initially thought they were chiggers.

Scrubbing the ticks off made me itchy, I kept thinking they were on me :twitch:

I just couldn't believe how many there were.

I've had those here, got them from the tall grasses. They get everywhere....


New Member
Scares the crap out of me. I treat my lawn and luckily we have never had one, but this is such a scary situation.


I have lyme disease - this is my second time dealing with it. And your post is pretty much my worst nightmare for myself or my daughter.

I'm going to have nightmares tonight... I can't get the image of hundreds of teeny tiny ticks crawling all over me out of my head.

I'm sure to be up itching ALL NIGHT LONG :shocked:
That's why I was freaking out.... it was right before dinner time, I was about to go pick up dog poo in the back yard before it got dark.... he comes running up, "MOM, MOM!!! I GOT TINY TICKS ALL OVER MY FEET!!!"
:jameo: :jameo: :jameo:
No, those suckers were ALLLL over his body.

I always wondered why, if they can find a vaccine from Lyme for a dog and they found a vaccine for swine flu for humans, why can't they find a vaccine for Lyme for humans? It doesn't make sense.
UGH! I know! Makes me wonder how safe or effective it is for pups.

I've had those here, got them from the tall grasses. They get everywhere....
He was playing with a friend down the road. I talked to his friend's mom and she said she got them when they first moved in.... from the tall grass.

How come I don't ever remember seeing or getting them when I was a kid???

Jesus Lewisus!

I am still itchy.

After all this was said and done I was looking for a book on the shelf in the living room, a HUGE Huntsman Spider was there next to the shelf.... I wasn't freaked out in the slightest. I calmly put him in a jar and set him outside. My son asked why I'm not scared of spiders.... I told him it's the potential for a disease and the fear of the unknown for his unborn brother or sister.


New Member
I always wondered why, if they can find a vaccine from Lyme for a dog and they found a vaccine for swine flu for humans, why can't they find a vaccine for Lyme for humans? It doesn't make sense.

When I had my picc line put in at Calvert, the nurse told me that they did have a vaccine for humans for Lyme...but no one was interested and they 'scrubbed' it.

forever jewel

Green Eyed Lady
A few weeks back, my bf and I found those seed ticks at Calvert State Park. We took our pups for a hike and my little white poodle had them covering his entire body. Frontline took care of him. As for me, I SPAZZED OUT and brushed them off of me until I could get into the shower and scratch them off. Luckily for me, they didn't make it past my lower thigh.


Witchy Woman
Mb... same thing happened to me the other day. The King and I were out by the duck pen spreading Diatomaceous Earth (which is used in the duck pen to keep the fleas and ticks and other creepy crawlies away) when I looked down and my white shoes and bottoms of my legs were COVERED in those itty bitty ticks crawling all over! I SCREAMED, dropped my tub of D.E. and took off running to the shower and scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed. Even though the D.E. is all over out there now I am STILL not going out there for awhile! Wonder why the ducks never had a problem with them? Even before the D.E. was spread? Hmmmmm.

Poor Little Mr. Sunshine! I hope you got 'em all off.


Dream Stealer
i was NEVER scared of ticks until lately..just used to pull em off..but ever since I had rocky mountain spotted fever..the thought of them makes me sick. yuckky.


New Member
I have gotten those several times when I was little. I always thought it was a nest of baby ticks that has recently hatched?


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Not to play down the seriousness of Lyme's disease, but chances are good that your son will be fine.

First off, it sounds like he got into a nest of ticks, so there's a good chance that instead of being deer ticks, they could just be babies. Your regular tick, sometimes called a dog tick has reddish brown legs, even as a baby. Deer ticks have black legs.

Also, if you got them off before he got bit or before the tick had been there 24 hours, the chance of him actually contracting Lyme's disease is slim to none.

Not saying not to get him checked out, just saying you probably don't have anything to worry about.


I have lyme disease - this is my second time dealing with it.
i thought i heard u could only get lyme disease once?
I have gotten those several times when I was little. I always thought it was a nest of baby ticks that has recently hatched?

thats what i thought

MB same thing happened to me last year, my parents and i were out looking for land to buy and i was in the woods, hours later i got home and went to the restroom and saw i had a tiny tick on my leg.....then another....and another... and another, all burrowed in me already. i had over 70 ticks burrowed into me! it was terrible! i got tested for lymes disease and just itched for weeks, but was fine. hope your boy is ok :huggy:


I have gotten those several times when I was little. I always thought it was a nest of baby ticks that has recently hatched?

Yes, I found out they're nymphs, just out of the larvae stage.... what kind of tick? I'm not sure.

i thought i heard u could only get lyme disease once?

thats what i thought

MB same thing happened to me last year, my parents and i were out looking for land to buy and i was in the woods, hours later i got home and went to the restroom and saw i had a tiny tick on my leg.....then another....and another... and another, all burrowed in me already. i had over 70 ticks burrowed into me! it was terrible! i got tested for lymes disease and just itched for weeks, but was fine. hope your boy is ok :huggy:

I heard that too....

My son has all kinds of bites on his legs and arms. I got a scrip for antibiotics just in case and dabbed the bites with lavender oil to stop the itch.

Just like MYMO did, I freaked out too. I guess I feel I'm on heightened alert because I'm all pregnant.

A few weeks ago I was walking the dogs with my MIL, talking and walking a bug flew right in my mouth, I didn't catch it but gagged to try to get it out.... I ended up swallowing it (I felt it going down my throat, wiggling). The only thing I could think about all weekend, as it happened on a Friday evening, was that whatever it was that I swallowed had tape worm eggs in it. I watch too many Discovery/Nat Geo/Animal Planet documentaries :jameo:

I still plan on getting the boy tested in a couple weeks.

Oh, I read about that Lyme's vaccine.... I can't believe it's not available anymore.


I AM an enigma
Short Answer

You can get Lyme disease a number of times. After being "cured" or put into remission, you CAN be bitten by another tick infected with the spirochete and ta-da! You are now infected again.

This could go on and on and on. Likelihood is not that great, but yes, you can get it more than once.


New Member
i thought i heard u could only get lyme disease once?

Lord, I wish that was the truth... unfortunately not. Either that, or I am a freak of nature :otter: My dad has had lyme disease 3 times - he hunts and would come home covered in ticks despite spraying 'off' - but all three times he had it (and they were all confirmed by bloodwork) he did a month of doxycycline and was just fine. When I had it the first time, I put off going to the doctor for a long time. The symptoms start off as just plain old being tired all of the time, being a bit achy, a bit forgetful. But I was working close to 50 hour weeks then (not counting a 45 minute communte each way) so I put it off to the stress of working. When I couldn't get out of bed in the morning, and started totally forgetting important spreadsheets that were due, and running into walls - I finally went. Once it spreads to your neurological system it is a B!tch to get the crap out of your body.

I was surprised as anything when I went into the doctor not long ago complaining of a little fatigue. I thought it was a thyroid issue - but the doctor ran a bunch of tests and the lyme test was positive. Thyroid was fine. I have the neurological symptoms again, despite the oral antibiotics - so I am bummed to have to go through this again.

Lyme disease is one of those things that will be a huge problem one day and they are lagging behind in doing research for it. Like one poster said, there *was* a vaccine - when I had lyme the first time the doctor was telling me about it. According to him, the vaccine didn't work well and people were still getting lyme - so maybe that's why there wasn't any interest in it?? hahahaa!

I think that lyme disease is sort of like an auto-immune disease - once you get it, you have it for life in many ways. Maybe it stays dormant in your system until something triggers it - but I haven't been right since I had it the first time. So maybe you *can* only initially get it once - but then it can test positive and make you sick again if it is triggered by something. I think that's possible...

Why do I open this thread so close to bedtime??? :cds: